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The Augustinian Recollect Augustinian Recollect Nuns of Spain inaugurated their Federal Assembly in Marcilla

With the presence of the Prior General, Fr. Miguel Angel Hernandez, the Assembly of the Federation of Augustinian Recollect Nuns of Spain was inaugurated last March 4 in the convent of Marcilla. This meeting, which brings together 39 nuns representing the federated monasteries, has as its main objective the election of the new President of the Federation for the next six years.

The opening day was marked by the celebration of the Mass of the Holy Spirit, presided over by the Prior General, who in his homily stressed the importance of trust in God and overcoming the fears that can arise in monastic life. “We are anchored in hope, that is the motto of this Assembly. We know in whom we have placed our trust,” said Fr. Michelangelo.

Also present on the opening day were the vicars of the Provinces of St. Thomas of Villanova and Our Lady of Candelaria, Friar José María Sánchez and Friar Lorenzo Pérez, respectively, the assistant of the Spanish Federation, Friar Jesús Lanao, and other religious of the Marcilla community.

The Prior General invited the nuns to open themselves to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to be the true protagonist of this meeting: “Let the Spirit speak to you, inspire you and impel you to live the adventure that God has prepared for the Federation. Be brave, do not be afraid. He also called for reflection on the need to avoid rigid structures that could stifle community life:

“Structures must be at the service of the person and not the person at the service of structures.”

Another of the highlights of his speech was the richness of diversity in religious communities: “The cultural, ethnic and racial diversity that is taking hold in your friaries is a richness. They are not foreigners, they are sisters. God does not ask for our passports, he asks for our hearts.” . He also stressed the importance of ongoing formation to avoid frustration in religious life and to foster a joyful and fraternal community life.

The Prior General’s final message was a call to allow oneself to be surprised by God and not to fall into the trap of a controlled Christianity:

“We have turned the hurricane wind of the Spirit into air conditioning. We have tamed the Spirit, we have it tied hand and foot because we don’t like surprises.”.

Fr. Michelangelo invited the nuns to be open to the action of the Spirit so that this Assembly may be a true Pentecost.

The Augustinian Recollect Nuns continue with their work sessions in an atmosphere of dialogue and discernment, confident that this Assembly will be a space of renewal and strengthening for the Federation. In the next few days the name of the new President will be known, who will guide the Federation in the challenges of the next six years.