St. Augustine
Aurelius Augustinus (354 - 430) - better known as St. Augustine or Augustine of Hippo - is, together with St. Jerome, St. Gregory and St. Ambrose, one of the four most important Fathers of the Latin Church.Life of St. Augustine
Augustine (354-430), an Algerian, was born of a pagan father, Patricius, and a Christian mother, Monica. He was educated in the North African cities of Tagaste, Madaura and Carthage. The Catholic Church accepted him by baptism in 387. He was ordained priest of Hippo in 391 and bishop of the city in 395. On August 24, 410, Alaric’s troops entered Rome through the Salarian Gate, sacking it with iron and fire. This misfortune prompted Augustine to preach his Sermon on the Fall of Rome and to write The City of God. Two decades later, the hosts of Genseric laid siege to Hippo, where their bishop died in 430.
His childhood
Augustine was born on November 13, 354 in Tagaste, a small city of Numidia in Roman Africa. That Algerian population is today called Souk-Ahras. Although he was not baptized as an infant, Monica taught him the rudiments of the Christian religion and, seeing how the son became separated from them as he grew older, she gave herself to constant, sorrowful and trusting prayer. Years later, AgustÃn would call himself the “son of his mother’s tears”. A fervent Catholic, she dedicated her entire life to the conversion of her son to Christianity.
From the age of twelve to fifteen, between 366 and 369, he attended high school in Madaura, now Mdaourouch. He stands out among his fellow students. He is very fond of poetry. Learn entire passages from the main authors studied at school: Terence, Plautus, Seneca, Sallust, Horace, Poleius, Cicero and, above all, the great poet Virgil.
AgustÃn, instead of doing something serious during that year, wasted his time with his classmates. He did not receive the baptism or religious instruction that might have helped him to avoid evil in those months. In spite of his mother’s advice, Augustine took “the crooked paths on which walk those who turn their backs to God and not their faces”. He feels happy on that unexpected vacation and experiences the first attractions of friendship and love. A year later, in 370, he left for Carthage thanks to the generosity of Romanianus, a rich patron of Thagaste and friend of his family. At that time, around 371, his father, now a Catholic, died. Between the ages of 16 and 30 he lived with a Carthaginian woman whose name is unknown, with whom in 372 he had a son, Adeodatus, a Latin name meaning “gift of God”.
Hortensius, a decisive reading
Augustine was almost twenty years old when he encountered the great books of philosophy. One day a work by the famous Roman orator and philosopher Cicero fell into his hands and the young man read it with admiration: Hortensius. Unfortunately it has not come down to us; however, thanks to AgustÃn we can read today several pages of that writing, to which he owes so much.
This extraordinary work discovered for him the field of invisible realities and awakened in him a taste and fondness for the search for wisdom and truth. From that reading, Augustine began to walk consciously towards God, the supreme truth.
Soon after, Augustine began to read the Holy Scriptures, which he did not understand, some of whose contents horrified him and which he found written in a poor style. Disappointed by his first encounter with the Bible, he groped elsewhere for the way to the truth.
In a tenacious search for a solution to the problem of truth -can man know it? how to distinguish it from error?- Augustine passed from one philosophical school to another, without finding in any of them an answer that would calm his unbribable restlessness. Finally, he frequents Manichaeism, because he believes that this interpretation of reality will provide him with a rational, systematic explanation of everything and moral orientation for his life. He followed this doctrine for several years and abandoned it after speaking with Bishop Faustus. Disappointed by this long-desired encounter, he concluded that truth is unalterable. Excepticism took hold of his heart.
While studying everything he could get his hands on, Augustine was fascinated by astrology books. Although Christianity was the main religion of the empire, the “occult sciences” were in vogue everywhere. After completing his higher studies in Carthage in 373, Augustine returned to Thagaste, where he taught grammar for a year, until 374. His mother discovers, disillusioned, that her son is closely linked to the Manicheans. From 374 to 383 he was professor of rhetoric in Carthage and wrote On the beautiful and apt, a work we do not have.
Milan, cradle of conversion
One fine day, without warning anyone and trying at all costs not to let his mother suspect anything about the trip, Augustine embarked for Italy, where he was going to find the solution to his intellectual problems and a satisfactory answer to his religious doubts. In Rome he taught between 383 and 384. One day he learns that Milan is looking for a professor of rhetoric.
When Augustine arrived in Milan in 384, he no longer believed in the Manichaean doctrines, although he was not close to Christianity either. The criticisms of the Manichaeans against the Bible seemed irrefutable to him. Augustine will fight the decisive battle, in which the grace of God will be victorious.

In August 386, he found the volume of the Letters of St. Paul at home, opened the book and the first sentences that jumped out at him were these:
“Not in binge eating or drunkenness,
not in beds or in lightness,
not in strife or emulation,
but put on our Lord Jesus Christ
and do not care for the flesh with too many desires”. Rm 13:13.
AgustÃn did not want to read any more. It was those words of St. Paul which, once and for all, “as if a great light of assurance had been infused into his heart, caused all the darkness of his doubts to disappear forever.”
AgustÃn, who will turn 32 in November, has just experienced the most important day of his life. Before his conversion, he had thought of founding a sort of fraternity in common life with some friends and disciples, who, like him, were eager to deepen their knowledge of the fundamental questions of philosophy. Once converted, Augustine carried out that idea, but now inspired by the first Christian community of Jerusalem.
Monastic and episcopal life
Augustine devoted himself to the formal and methodical study of Christianity. He resigned his professorship and with his mother and some companions he retired to Casiciaco, near Milan, to devote himself completely to study and meditation, during the autumn of 386. On April 24, 387, at the age of thirty-three, he was baptized in Milan by the holy bishop Ambrose, during the Easter Vigil. Already baptized, he returned to Africa in 388; but before embarking, his mother Monica died in Ostia in August 387.
To meet the pastoral needs of Valerius, bishop of Hippo, in 391, during a liturgical celebration, the parishioners elected him to be ordained priest.
With tears in her eyes she accepted this abrupt choice, which she at first opposed with shouts and tears. Something similar happened to him when he was consecrated bishop in 395. It was then that he left the lay monastery and moved into the bishop’s house, which he transformed into a clerical monastery.
Augustine’s episcopal activity was enormous and varied. He preached full time and in many places, wrote tirelessly, polemicized with those who went against the Christian orthodoxy of the time, presided over councils, solved the most diverse problems presented to him by his faithful. He confronts Manichaeans, Donatists, Arians, Pelagians, Priscillianists, scholars….
The days of his final illness were a good opportunity for Augustine to review his life and thank God for the benefits he had received, while asking forgiveness from his brothers and from God.
After forty years of struggle on behalf of the Church, Augustine entered in agony, to be received with jubilation in the holy city of God. On August 28, 430, the son of Patrick and Monica, Augustine, the bishop of Hippo, slept in the peace of the Lord. He was 75 years, 10 months and 15 days old.
Audio of the life of St. Augustine
Chapters in the life of Saint Augustine
St. Augustine: a passion for truth
Work of St. Augustine
The works of St. Augustine have come down to us almost in their entirety and in good condition to the present day. They are listed in the “Retractations” of Augustine and in the “Indiculus” of St. Posidius. They are classified according to a general thematic criterion, although very different themes are often addressed in each work.
- The Confessions ( 397-403 Madrid 1974(7) BAC 2)
- Retractations ( 426-427 Madrid 1995 BAC 40)
- Against academics (386 November 10-12. 22-24 Madrid 1982(5) BAC 3)
- La vida feliz ( 386 November 13-15 Madrid 1994(6) BAC 1)
- The order (386 November 20-21. 25 Madrid 1994(6) BAC 1)
- Soliloquies (387 beginnings Madrid 1994(6) BAC 1)
- The Immortality of the Soul (387 before Easter April 25 Madrid 1988 BAC 39)
- The Dialectic ( 387, between March 14 and April 25, not yet published in Spanish)
- The Dimension of the Soul ( between the end of 387 and August 388 Madrid 1982(5) BAC 3)
- The Free Will (388 semestre 1º book 1º; books 2º and 3º in Hippo 391-395; Madrid 1982(5) BAC 3)
- Music ( 389 first semester Madrid 1988 BAC 39)
- The Master (between the first semester of 389 and the beginning of 390 Madrid 1982(5) BAC 3)
- On True Religion ( 390 Madrid 1975(3) BAC 4)
- The usefulness of faith (391 Madrid 1975(3) BAC 4)
- On faith in the unseen (420-425 Madrid 19753 BAC 4)
- The diabolic divination ( ¿408-410? Madrid 1995 BAC 40)
- The City of God ( 412-425 or 426 Madrid 2007(6) BAC 16-17)
- The Faith and the Symbol of the Apostles (393 Saturday, October 8, 1988 Madrid BAC 39)
- Eighty-three miscellaneous questions (388-395 Madrid 1995 BAC 40)
- Miscellaneous questions to Simpliciano ( 396 Madrid 2007(4) BAC 9)
- Answer to the eight questions of Dulcicio (424 Madrid 1995 BAC 40)
- Faith and Works (413 primavera Madrid 1988 BAC 39)
- Manual of Faith, Hope and Charity (421 or 422 Madrid 1975(3) BAC 4)
- La Trinidad ( from 400 to after 420 Madrid 2006(5) BAC 5)
Pastoral Morales
- The lie (395 Madrid 2007(3) BAC 12)
- Against lies (421 Madrid 2007(3) BAC 12)
- The Christian combat (396 finals Madrid 2007(3) BAC 12)
- Catechesis for beginners ( probably 403 semester 2º Madrid 1988 BAC 39)
- The Goodness of Marriage (403-404 Madrid 20073 BAC 12)
- Holy Virginity (probably 404 §§ 1-38; 412 §§ 39-57 Madrid 20073 BAC 12)
- The Goodness of Widowhood (414 primavera Madrid 2007(3) BAC 12)
- Continence ( 418-420 Madrid 2007(3) BAC 12)
- Patience ( 418 Madrid 2007(3) BAC 12)
- Adulterous unions (420 inicios Madrid 2007(3) BAC 12)
- Mercy for the Deceased (423 Madrid 1995 BAC 40)
- Rule for the Servants of God (397 Madrid 1995 BAC 40)
- The work of the monks (405-406 Madrid 2007(3) BAC 12)
- Christian Doctrine ( 397 (books 1 to 3, 36);426-427 (books 3, 37 and fourth) Madrid 1957 BAC 15)
- The Mirror of Sacred Scripture (¿427? Madrid 1991 BAC 27)
- Commentary on Genesis in reply to the Manichaeans (388-389 winter interm. Madrid 1957 BAC 15).
- Literal Commentary on Genesis (incomplete) (393 Madrid 1957 BAC 15)
- Literal Commentary on Genesis (404 or 405-415 Madrid 1957 BAC 15)
- Heptateuchal Locutions (from June 9, 419 to 420 Madrid 1991 BAC 27)
- Questions on the Heptateuch (after June 9, 419 until 420 Madrid 1989 BAC 28)
- Annotations to the Book of Job (400-405 Madrid 1992 BAC 29)
- Eight questions from the Old Testament (before 419 Madrid 1991 BAC 27)
- The Sermon on the Mount (394-395 Madrid 20073 BAC 12)
- Exposition of some texts of the Letter to the Romans (394 Madrid 20032 BAC 18)
- Exposition of the Letter to the Galatians (394-395 Madrid 20032 BAC 18)
- Inaugural exposition of the Letter to the Romans (394-395 Madrid 20032 BAC 18)
- Seventeen passages from the Gospel of Matthew (ca. 405? Madrid 20032 BAC 18)
- Concordance of the Evangelists (403-404 Madrid 1992 BAC 29)
- Heresies, dedicated to Quodvultdeo ( 428-429 Madrid 1990 BAC 38)
- To Orosius, against Priscillianists and Origenists (415, probably Madrid 1990 BAC 38).
- Reply to the Adversary to the Law and the Prophets (420 primavera Madrid 1990 BAC 38)
- Treatise against the Jews (ca. 418? Madrid 1990 BAC 38)
- Reply to the sermon of the Arians (419 autumn Madrid 1990 BAC 38)
- Debate with Maximianus, Arian bishop (427 or 428 Madrid 1990 BAC 38)
- Reply to Maximianus, Arian bishop (428 Madrid 1990 BAC 38)
- De las costumbres de la Iglesia Católica y de las costumbres de los maniqueos (387 / 388-389 Madrid 1975(3) BAC 4)
- The Two Souls of Man ( most probably in the 1st semester of 392 Madrid 1986 BAC 30)
- Proceedings of the debate with the Manichean Fortunatus (392 August 27 and 28 Madrid 1986 BAC 30)
- Reply to Adimanto, disciple of Manes, called “del Fundamento” ( 394 Madrid 1986 BAC 30)
- Reply to Faust, the Manichean (400-402 / 403 Madrid 1993 BAC 31)
- Proceedings of the debate with the Manichean Felix (404 December 7 and 12 Madrid 1986 BAC 30)
- The nature of the good (400-405? Madrid 1982(5) BAC 3)
- Reply to the Manichean Secundinus (¿403-405? Madrid 1986 BAC 30)
- Psalm against the sect of Donatus (393 end Madrid 1988 BAC 32)
- Reply to the letter of Parmenianus (between autumn 403 and spring 404 Madrid 1988 BAC 32)
- Treatise on Baptism (404 second half Madrid 1988 BAC 32)
- Letter to Catholics on the Donatist Sect (The Unity of the Church) (401-404? Madrid 1994 BAC 34)
- Reply to the letters of Petiliano (400-403 before August 25 Madrid 1990 BAC 33)
- Reply to the grammarian Cresconius, Donatists (¿406-407? Madrid 1994 BAC 34)
- The one baptism (Summary of the debate with the Donatists) (winter between 410 and 411 Madrid 1990 BAC 33)
- Message to the Donatists after the Conference (412 January-February Madrid 1990 BAC 33)
- Sermon to the Faithful of the Church of Caesarea (418 September 18 Madrid 1990 BAC 33)
- Proceedings of the debate with the Donatist Emeritus (418 September 20 Madrid 1994 BAC 34)
- Reply to Gaudentius, Donatist bishop (between the fall of 418 and the end of 419 Madrid 1994 BAC 34)
- Consequences and forgiveness of sins, and the baptism of infants (between December 411 and February 412 Madrid 2007(4) BAC 9)
- The Spirit and the Letter (412 summer Madrid 1971(3) BAC 6)Nature and Grace (between December 414 and May 415 Madrid 1971(3) BAC 6)
- The Perfection of Man’s Justice (414 Madrid 1984 BAC 35)
- Acts of the trial of Pelagius (end of 416 or beginning of 417 Madrid 2007(4) BAC 9)
- The grace of Jesus Christ and original sin (418 between June-July Madrid 1971(3) BAC 6)
- Nature and origin of the soul (419-420 Madrid 1982(5) BAC 3)
- Marriage and concupiscence (418-421 Madrid 1984 BAC 35)
- Reply to the two letters of the Pelagians (Midwinter 420-421 Madrid 2007(4) BAC 9)
- Reply to Julian (midwinter 420-421 Madrid 1984 BAC 35)
- Reply to Julian (unfinished work) ( 428-430 Madrid 1985 BAC 36-37)
- Grace and Free Will (426-427 Madrid 1971(3) BAC 6)
- Correction and grace (426-427 Madrid 1971(3) BAC 6)
- The Predestination of the Saints (428 Madrid 1971(3) BAC 6)
- The gift of perseverance (429 Madrid 1971(3) BAC 6)
- Letters (1º) 1-123 (Madrid 19863 BAC 8)
- Letters (2nd) 124-187 (Madrid 19873 BAC 11a)
- Letters (3rd) 188-270 (new letters 1*-29* Madrid 19913 BAC 11b)
- Treatises on the Gospel of John (1st) 1-35 (406 December 9-Summer 414 Madrid 2005(3) BAC 13)
- Treatises on the Gospel of St. John (2nd) 36-124 (Summer 414-Summer 420 Madrid 1965(2) BAC 14)
- Treatises on the first letter of St. John (407 April 14-May 22 Madrid 2003(2) BAC 18)
- Commentaries on Psalms (1st) 1-40 (Madrid 1964 BAC 19)
- Commentaries on Psalms (2nd) 41-75 (Madrid 1965 BAC 20)
- Commentaries on the Psalms (3rd) 76-117 (Madrid 1966 BAC 21)
- Commentaries on the Psalms (4th) 118-150 (Madrid 1967 BAC 22)
- Sermons (1º) 1-50: On the Old Testament (Madrid 1981(4) BAC 7)
- Sermons (2nd) 51-116: On the Synoptic Gospels (Madrid 1983 BAC 10)
- Sermons (3rd) 117-183: On the Gospel of St. John, Acts and Letters of the Apostles (Madrid 1983 BAC 23)
- Sermons (4º) 184-272B: On the liturgical seasons (Madrid 2005(2) BAC 24)
- Sermons (5th) 273-338: On the Martyrs (Madrid 1984 BAC 25)
- Sermons (6th) 339-396: On Various Subjects (Madrid 1985 BAC 26)
- Sermon to the catechumens on the Apostles’ Symbol (Madrid 1988 BAC 39)
- The Devastation of Rome (410 late summer Madrid 1995 BAC 40)
- Sermon on Christian Discipline (Madrid 1988 BAC 39)
- The Usefulness of Fasting (411 May 17 or 19 Madrid 1995 BAC 40)
Attributed (Madrid 2002 BAC 41)
- Love for God
- Combat between vices and virtues
- Defense of Augustine by Prosper of Aquitaine
- Church and Synagogue Debate
- The Paradise ladder
- The spirit and the soul
- Faith, a book dedicated to Peter
- The dogmas of the Church
- Spiritual elevation manual
- Meditations
- Psalter (composed for his mother)
- Sentences of St. Augustine compiled by Prospero of Aquitaine
- Soliloquies
- Treatise on the Assumption of Mary
Interesting contents
- Prior General’s Message for the Feast of St. Augustine 2022
- Augustinian brushstrokes: St. Augustine in painting
- 30 books by St. Augustine worth reading
- The letter of St. Paul that converted St. Augustine
- Following in the footsteps of St. Augustine
- The Holy Rosary, with St. Augustine
- The Way of the Cross, with St. Augustine