Prior General
The position of Prior General of the Order of Augustinian Recollects for the six-year term 2022-2028 falls to Miguel Ángel Hernández. It is responsible, together with the General Council, for guiding and fulfilling the directives proposed by the General Chapter of 2022.
Friar Miguel Ángel Hernández Domínguez
Miguel Ángel Hernández Domínguez was born in Collado Villalba (Madrid, Spain) on January 19, 1965. After his novitiate in Los Negrales (Madrid) and Burgos, he made his simple profession on June 24, 1984 and, later, in the same place on December 10, 1988, he made his solemn profession of vows as an Augustinian Recollect. He was ordained deacon in 1989 in Madrid by the auxiliary bishop of the same diocese, Msgr. Luis Gutierrez. Months later, on June 30, 1990, also in Madrid, the Augustinian Recollect Bishop Mons. Florentino Zabalza ordained him a priest.
From that time until 2006, Miguel Ángel Hernández carried out his pastoral work in Brazil, first in Rio de Janeiro, then in Sao Paolo and, later, in Belém do Pará, in the latter place as a formator. During the period 2000-2006, for two three-year periods, he served as Vicar Provincial. On July 20, 2006, the Provincial Chapter of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova elected him Prior Provincial, a position he held until 2012.
For six years, Hernandez dedicated himself to the formation of young Augustinian Recollects, first in the novitiate of Monteagudo and then in the theologate in Granada. In 2018, the religious of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova elected him Prior Provincial again, a task to which he was devoting himself until March 22, 2022, when he was elected Prior General of the Order of Augustinian Recollects.

The Prior General’s news
Beginning of the Augustinian Recollect Bishops Encounter in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
The meeting will take place from May 20-25, with the Prior General in attendance and under the theme: “Do you aspire to great things? Start small”.
“He who has a friend has a treasure and he who has a friend who is a friend of God has a blessing.”
The Prior General addresses the Augustinian Recollect Youth on the occasion of the feast of their patron saints, Saints Alipius and Posidius.
Visit of the Prior General to the communities in England
The Augustinian Recollects carry out their mission in Honiton and in two London parishes where they serve the Latin American community.
Previous Priors General

Enrique Pérez

Fidel de Blas

Eugenio Sola

Gregorio Segura

Vicente Soler

Gerardo Larrondo

Jesús Fernández

Leoncio Reta

Feliciano de Ocio

Eugenio Ayape

Gregorio Armas

Ángel Armarcegui

Luis Garayoa

James McGuire

Javier Ruiz

Javier Pipaón

Javier Guerra