Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity

The Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity is spread throughout 15 nations. It is currently made up of 111 local fraternities that bring together 3,450 brothers and sisters who live their faith in the world with the desire to be of one soul and one heart directed towards God.

The Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity is:

– A call to live Christian holiness through the secular life of its members, according to the Augustinian Recollect charism.
– A living cell, with its own personality, whose members, moved by the Spirit, from their homes and work, place themselves at the service of the Church.
– A part of the Augustinian Recollect family that collaborates with the religious in evangelization and in the promotion of vocations and the Recollect charism, and at the same time participates in the spiritual goods of the Order.
– A community of brothers governed by its own Rule of Life and Statutes approved by the Church.

The Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity seeks to:

– Giving meaning to daily life based on faith and love
– Personal and liturgical prayer
– Follow a process of spiritual life and ongoing formation
– Living family life with joy
– Participating in meetings (prayer, formation, fraternal life, mission)
– Celebrate the feasts of the Order and spiritual retreats.
– To have spiritual assistance and fraternal relationship with the religious community.
– To collaborate according to one’s possibilities in the apostolic and social activities of the Order.

What defines a member of the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity?

– Union in Christ through the action of the Holy Spirit
– Priority and dynamism of love
– Sacred Scripture reading, sacramental life and prayer
– Attitude of internalization and conversion
– Reference to the teachings of St. Augustine and to the charism and history of the Order.
– Humility, a sense of gratuitousness and selflessness
– Filial devotion to Mary, Mother of Consolation
– Communion with the Church and commitment to evangelizing mission
– Sanctification from family life, work and social activities
– Promote peace, justice, coexistence and solidarity.
– Fraternal life of the brothers and sisters of the group
– Friendship, trust, fidelity, sincerity and mutual understanding.
– Testimony of the saints of the Order.