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Vocational accompaniment through Inquietar

The project Inquietar tries to position the animation of vocations within the digital ecosystem of the Order, through the web page www.inquietar.com and the social networks Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Spotify. As a whole, Inquietar intends to be a proposal of communication of the Gospel under the prism of vocation, aimed at young people, especially those linked to the Augustinian Recollect family.

Five years of growth and consolidation

After five years, Inquietar has consolidated its position in the different digital communication platforms as a reference in vocational animation. It has a clear graphic line and a communication style that favors diversity. In addition, it has published numerous resources available on the website, which are frequently downloaded by vocation ministers of the Order and other ecclesial contexts.

The Order endorses Inquietar as a serious project and supports it with means and resources. In addition, an alliance has been established with the Commission of Communication and Digital Evangelization of the Order. The project has transcended the frontiers of the Order, placing itself at the service of the Church from the Augustinian Recollect charism. Many of its publications connect with the interests and concerns of the young Augustinian Recollects.

Art and vocation: a collaboration with Bernardo Ramonfaur

A relevant aspect has been the joint work with the Mexican artist Bernardo Ramonfaur, who has designed many of the new images of Augustinian and Augustinian Recollect saints that are circulating in the social networks.

Vocational accompaniment in the digital era

How does Inquietar ‘s platforms accompany people interested in its proposals or who ask questions? As in practically all social networks enabled for interaction, there is a team of three people -two religious and one layperson- responsible for responding to inquiries received through private messages or e-mail. In practice, any of the three responds according to their possibilities, taking into account their place of residence, time zones and other obligations.

First steps to discernment

If a person expresses interest in initiating a process of accompaniment for vocational discernment, a more personalized message or email is sent. If there is a response on their part, contact is established with the general coordination of vocation ministry of the Order.

When a person shows a strong motivation and decides to continue with the process, these first steps facilitate direct contact between the interested person and the vocation promoter responsible in his country. From that moment on, the vocation promoter will be in charge of giving continuity to the interested person’s concerns, according to the procedures of the vocation ministry in each country.

*Article written by Fr. FabiƔn for the Yearbook of the Order 2024.