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The Prelature of Labrea is preparing to celebrate its 1st Centenary and the 40th anniversary of the martyrdom of Sr. Cleusa

A century of evangelization and missionary commitment

The Prelature of Labrea, in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon, celebrates its first centenary in 2025, a milestone that highlights a century of missionary presence in the region. Founded on May 1, 1925 and entrusted to the Order of Augustinian Recollects, this ecclesiastical circumscription has witnessed a history of dedication, evangelization and accompaniment of the riverside and indigenous communities.

Cleusa Coelho, an Augustinian Recollect missionary murdered on April 28, 1985 while defending the life and dignity of indigenous peoples. Her testimony continues to be a beacon of Christian commitment and service to the most vulnerable.

Program of celebrations

The main celebrations will take place between April 24 and 28, 2025 and will include a triduum prior to the Great Jubilee:

  • April 24: A cordial remembrance of the 100 years of the Prelature’s history.
  • April 25: Reflection on the current challenges of the mission of the Church in the Purus.
  • April 26: Our Lady of Nazareth and popular devotion in service to evangelization.
  • April 27: Jubilee of the Prelature of Labrea.
  • April 28: Commemoration of the martyrdom of Sr. Cleusa and its impact on the mission of the Prelature.

Since the beginning of the celebrations in May 2024, the pilgrim image of Our Lady of Nazareth and the Missionary Cross have traveled to all the parishes and many communities of the Prelature. This pilgrimage will conclude in April 2025, when the Pilgrim MTA will be received at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Nazareth, the center of the Jubilee celebration.

To accompany this journey, liturgical and catechetical material has been developed to enable communities to reflect on their history and pastoral commitments.

Letter from Bishop Santiago Sanchez

In an emotional pastoral letter, Bishop Santiago Sanchez, bishop of the Prelature, called on all the communities to join in this centennial celebration:

“To receive the Pilgrim MTA of Our Lady of Nazareth means to feel more like a family, more united and animated around the Mother who calls us to celebrate the Jubilee of the Centenary. Prepare this beautiful feast, invite everyone, send her image to all the communities, to all the families, to all the groups, to all the children of this Prelature.”

The bishop emphasized that the Prelature continues to be a “mission field” and encouraged everyone to renew their evangelizing commitment.

The Prelature of Labrea: A Century of History

Since its creation, the Prelature has witnessed great challenges and achievements in its pastoral work. In its beginnings, evangelization was carried out by a few priests who faced adverse conditions. The arrival of the Augustinian Recollects marked a turning point , consolidating a mission of integral accompaniment to the communities. Currently, the Prelature is made up of five parishes and a missionary area: St. Rita in Tapauá, St. Augustine in Pauiní, St. John the Baptist in Canutama, St. Sebastian and St. Francis in Belo Monte and Foz de Tapauá, Our Lady of Nazareth in Lábrea and Our Lady of Aparecida in the missionary area Km. 70 of Canutama. The pastoral work has included not only evangelization, but also social promotion, education and the defense of the rights of the Amazonian communities. The Prelature has been a reference in the attention to the indigenous peoples, the formation of catechists and the promotion of social justice.

The legacy of Sr. Cleusa

On April 28, 1985, Sr. Cleusa Coelho was assassinated while defending the rights of the Apurinã Indians. Her martyrdom is a testimony of dedication and commitment to the Gospel. Four decades later, her example continues to inspire the Prelature in its preferential option for the poorest and most excluded.

cleuseDuring the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of his martyrdom, there will be a reflection on the impact of his witness on the life of the Amazonian Church and a renewed commitment to justice and the dignity of the peoples of the region.

A centennial with an eye to the future

The centennial theme, “Prelature of Labrea: 100 years proclaiming the Gospel of Christ on the banks of the Purus River and its tributaries,” summarizes the essence of this celebration: a history of fidelity to the Gospel and a renewed commitment to mission.

Msgr. Santiago Sánchez concludes his message with a call for hope and commitment:

“The Centennial should not only be a remembrance of our history, but an awakening of the missionary fire that impels us to continue the work begun 100 years ago. The Church in the Purus continues to be a Church of mission, and we need to continue walking together, accompanying our people in their search for life, justice and peace.”

Thus, the Prelature of Labrea is preparing to celebrate with joy and renewed commitment its first century of history, looking to the future with hope and fidelity to its missionary vocation in the heart of the Amazon.