
Augustinian Recollects from eight countries study the role of the laity in the Provincial Chapter of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine

The Provincial Chapter, the highest governing body of the Province of Saint Nicholas, is presided by Fray Javier Guerra Ayala, the Prior General of the Order of Augustinian Recollects.

The Chapter has 34 participants, including the president. Eight of them are ex officio delegates of the chapter. The rest have been elected by the religious and they proceed from eight countries where the Province is based.

During the first phase, the capitulars examine the state of the communities and ministries where they are present. After which, they will elaborate directives for the next triennium. The chapter ends with the election of the new Prior Provincial and his council, who will be given the charge of leading the brothers towards the new direction of the Province, following the decisions marked by the Chapter.

During the triennium which is now ending, the Province of Saint Nicholas has exerted effort in carrying out its priority established by the Chapter of 2006, that is, the continuous formation of its members. The Chapter will deal with the spiritual life and houses of spirituality, secular fraternities, itinerary of continuous and initial formation, culture of vocation and the pastoral care for vocations, the diverse apostolates, the reorganization of ministries, the adaption of some houses and the construction of some others. The Chapter eyes on persons who are colaborating with the friars. It is called “a shared mission,” and in it, the laity will play an important role.

Social and Missionary Commitment

Most of the Augustinian Recollects of the Province are dedicated to ministerial apostolate. They also run schools in Valladolid, Zaragoza, Chiclana de la Frontera (Spain) and Querétaro (Mexico). The province also has missions in Lábrea (Amazonas, Brazil), Sarapiquí (Costa Rica), Chihuahua (México) and China.

Added to the social action being developed in mission territories, is a good number of social projects in other depressed areas. The Province of Saint Nicholas administers Ciudad de los Niños, in Cartago (Costa Rica) for 50 years. Lately, the Province has launched a center that attends to the relatives of the sick confined at the hospitals in the City of Mexico. In Fortaleza, Brazil, they have created a plan of action against the sexual exploitation of minors. They have also launched various projects that promote decent housing in other areas of Rio de Janeiro.

The Augustinian Recollects of this province have addressed some contemporary issues like immigration. They have been ministering to the Hispanic immigrants in the cities of New York, Texas and New Mexico (United States). They have also been attending to the Hispanic Chaplaincy in London since its foundation four years ago.