
It is now possible to leave comments on news found in the website of the Order using the same Facebook username

The Order has made it possible for the Facebook registered users to leave their comments for the following reasons:

• The Order of Augustinian Recollects has an account on this social network, with more than 1,800 fans, forming already an authentic virtual community;

• Facebook is the largest social network in the world with more than 300 million users;

• Considering the extensive domain and the potent presence of the users/readers of the Order in the this social network, the Commission on Communication has deemed it to be the most convenient and fastest means to make comments or reactions without the need of registering again.

Only for registered users

In order to avoid Spam or offensive comments from persons who have anonymous usernames, the Commission on Communication of the Order has decided to publish only comments of registered users, who could be recognized by their usernames, forenames or surnames either in the social network or in the same section for posting comments on the webpage of the Order.