
Margarita Zavala: “CARDI, an act of human solidarity”

Fr. Javier Acero Perez, CARDI president, pointed out that the institution is the fruit of the labor of the Augustinian Recollects in Mexico starting the year fortys. Cardinal Miguel Dario Miranda requested the friars to help the relatives and patients of the General Hospital of Mexico, Infant Hospital "Federico Gomez" and National Medical Center S. XXI.

Acero Perez emphasized that CARDI is a place where one shares a little but receives abundance in return wherein God's Love is seen concretely in real and grateful persons.

"CARDI developed through the generous support from Mexico, United States, Costa Rica and Spain. The Augustinian Recollects established a strong network which has extended to various countries. The effort is strengthened through the prayers of many persons who love this project and understand what we are talking and doing everyday".

Margarita Zavala is DIF National president.

Margarita Zavala, DIF National president, affirmed that CARDI is a real work of mercy because aside from healing it is also to accompany the loved ones. "As human beings we cannot just disregard our capacity to accompany others in their joy and suffering. This is what makes us better persons, a society that goes beyond public institution in curing the pain of the sick".

She continued "thanking all those who are involved with CARDI, encouraging the donors to continue their generosity more as a virtue rather than as mere giving". Likewise she invited CARDI volunteers to spend time or serve without conditions.

CARDI is the result not just by a single solid action but of constant operative good habits.
"A nation develops through a solid support considered as a virtue, and if done with consistency then a society is growing towards integral development". She said that CARDI is the result not just by a single solid action but of constant operative good habits. It is a special help for the needy Mexican brethren who are also citizens of the country.

She reminded those present that being in christmas season it would be good to reflect and put into practice the help towards our neighbors. "I am very much happy that we inaugurate CARDI within this yuletide season so that all of us would grow and become better persons, and that our actions be full of peace and hope to others".

CARDI, Dr. Lucio 244 corner Dr. Balmis, col. Doctores. Telephone number: 57614845.