
ONG “La Esperanza” gathered funds to help the Augustinian Recollects’ Apostolate in Brazil

The NON GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION (ONG) "La Esperanza" of Lodosa (Navarra, Spain) returns to its partisan merchandize on the feast of the patron saint. Its venue is surrounded with several craftsmen selling their wares like pastries, cheese, sausage, etc.

La Esperanza was founded last 1994 in Lodosa and maintains a close tie with the Order of Augustinian Recollects. Around twenty are its active business partners, and with some seventy volunteers and collaborators in Navarra, Andalucia, Aragon, Castilla, Leon and Madrid. Their first initiative and actions were centered on the solidarity trading whose collections are always for the “Centros Esperanza”. These Centers are in Amazon, Brazil whose scope is the professional attention and formation of the minor persons especially those in a vulnerable condition. ONG has collaborated in thirty other projects in Brazil, Costa Rica, Sierra Leona and Kenya such as the construction of houses for the community, artesian wells, schools and football field.

Sexual Exploitation

The new challenge of "La Esperanza" is the battle against sexual exploitation of children especially in Fortaleza (Brazil). This is one of the principal aspects of sexual tourism in the world. Thanks to La Esperanza, the first “Lar Santa Monica” is built wherein fourteen girls are taken cared of in their basic needs. The second one can accomodate twenty girls. It is hoped that Hogar Santa Monica later or throughout the years can accomodate one hundred more young victims of sexual violence.

The president, Corpus Campo, said that many public and private entities are usually identified with their projects, ONG however does not forget its beginnings, "who are simple traders ". They sell pins, hooks, embroidery, paintings, etc. Many adult women do this great job and believe it is a great help to the mission and to the use of their spare time.