
The Augustinian Recollect Nuns celebrate the 400th anniversary of his arrival in Palencia

The following day, a solemn Mass was celebrated in order to commemorate the actual anniversary date. Most Rev. Esteban Escudero, newly-appointed Bishop of the Diocese was the celebrant, joined by 36 priests who were familiar with the Sisters. Among the concelebrants were two Augustinians and two Augustinian Recollect Priors Provincial, Frs. Javier Jimenez and Jose Ramon Perez. Augustinian Recollect concelebrants were Frs. Jesus Lanao, Jesus Diaz, German Martinez, Javier Legarra, Jose Antonio Calvo, Jose Antonio Martinez Merino, Pablo Jimenez, Angel Jubera, Jose Maria Lopez and Simon Puertas and members of the diocesan clergy.

The Augustinian Recollect Sisters were joined by the Canonesses of St. Augustine in leading the joyful singing of popular hymns during the liturgy which was prepared with attention to details and celebrated with great solemnity and devotion.

The sisters brought out liturgical treasures from their sacristy including a golden chasuble, sacred vessels from one of their founders, along with lamps, bells and censors which created a festive environment in which to give glory and praise to God.

In his homily, the bishop manifested his joy in being with the Sisters for the first time. He highlighted the values of the contemplative life as being a triple sign: a sign of values of the world to come, a sign of spousal union of Christ and a sign of the importance of intercessory prayer for others.

Reference to Mother Mariana

A picture of Mother Mariana was displayed prominently near the ambo and the Presentation of the Gifts included the oldest biography of her life, along with the Constitutions of the Order, presented by the Mother President of the Federation and the Prioress of the Canonesses.

The local prioress, Mother Pilar Presa Ordonez, expressed her gratitude to the Lord for the religious who have lived in this convent for these past centuries and the people of Palencia who have been so supportive of the life of the Sisters. At the conclusion of the liturgy a Papal Blessing from Pope Benedict XVI was read and presented to the community in order to commemorate the occasion and the concluding hymn honored the memory of Mother Mariana.

400 years of Recollect contemplative life in Palencia

On September 7, 1610, seven Augustinian Recollect Sisters, guided by Mother Mariana de San Jose established a convent of the contemplative life in the city of Palencia, Spain. This event took place six years after Mother Mariana had begun the first foundations of the community. She was initially guided by Pedro de Reinoso and later founded convents in Medina del Campo and Valladolid.