
Nicolás Vigo, a young Augustinian Recollect: National Awardee in Journalism

Last October 22, Nicolás Vigo received the National Media Award in written and free press category from Peru Episcopal Conference in Lima. His work is entitled: “Ávatar, el grito enérgico en defensa de la vida”. Nicolás is from Huancaspata, La Libertad, Perú. In 2003 he entered at St. Ezekiel Moreno Seminary in Lima. He did his philosophical studies in ISET (Instituto Superior de Estudios Teológicos), and in 2006 went to Monteagudo, Navarra, Spain for his novitiate. He made his simple profession on August 18, 2007. Presently he is a member of St. Rita of Cascia community of St. Joseph province in Lima. Nicolás Vigo Pineda used to write his articles in a blog accessible to the internet with the title: “El mundo utópico de Nico”. In that blog one can read his article on the film Ávatar by which he is awarded.

The National Award of Journalism and Social Communication “Cardenal Juan Landázuri Ricketts” started in 1978. It is given by the Episcopal Commission of Social Communication of Peru Episcopal Conference (CEP) to those vigorous persons in social communication who promote peace, justice, fraternity and solidarity through their profession. These Awards have several categories: Religion & Catechism, University and Free Category, all of them in three media classes: Radio, Television and Printed Press.