Our Lady Mother of Good Counsel

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In 1903 Leo XII included the invocation «Mother of Good Counsel» in the Laurentine litany. The cult to the Virgin with the title of Mother of Good Counsel, now spread all over the world, has its origin in the city of Genazzano which is situated at the entrance of Rome and where her famous shrine is located. On April 25 1467 a fresco representing the Virgin with the Child embracing the Mother, «appeared in a miraculous way» on the wall of the Augustinian church that was undergoing restoration. The church immediately became a center of pilgrimage and the static image of the Virgin of Good Counsel was spread to the entire world.

With reason we honor Mary with the title of Good Counsel since she is the Mother of Christ, «wonderful Counselor» (Is. 9, 5); lived under the guidance of the Spirit of counsel, and intimately sheltered the eternal Counsel uniting everything in Christ (cf. Ef. 1, 10).

In honoring the Virgin of Good Counsel we desire to implore from God the gift of counsel, «in order that he may let us know what pleases God, and guide us in the situations of life».

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