Fr. Severiano de Cáceres is an Augustinian Recollect priest born in Villanueva de la Sierra (Cáceres, Spain). He is 56 years old and he had practiced his pastoral ministry for more than 25 years in the mission of Chota (Peru), where he was named...
Fr Rafael Mediavilla, president of Spanish Augustinian Federation (FAE), was interviewed in COPE last August 28 to speak about saint Augustine. Aired over the program "El Espejo de la Iglesia", in the station COPE, on Thurdsday, August 28, 2008.
Enrique A. Eguiarte, director of AVGVSTINVS magazine, he reminds the steps of the Hipona’s bishop in his searching of God.Year of document: 2008.Ver documento PDF Autor: Enrique A. EguiarteESPAÑA
Saint Augustine invites to search the happiness and coming into ourselves. August 28th we celebrate the holiness of Our Father Saint Augustine, bishop and doctor of the Church. We publish an article by Enrique A. Eguiarte, director of AVGVSTINVS magazine, in which he...