
Miguel Ángel Hernández from Madrid has been re-elected Provincial till 2012

During the last morning session on 16th July 2009 and after the singing of the Veni Creator Spiritu, the thirty religious in chapter reelected Miguel Ángel Hernández Domínguez. Prior Provincial for the next three years 2009-2012.

After his acceptance, the religious offered him their heartfelt allegiance by a unanimous and warm applause followed by a brotherly embrace given by Fr. Javier Guerra, Prior General of the Order. During the midday prayer and joined by the local community of Monachil (Granada, Spain), the newly elected Prior Provincial made the profession of faith.

Three Recollect uncles

Miguel Ángel was born on 19th January 1965 in Collado Villalba (Madrid Spain ) to the couple, Ovidio and Alejandra, being himself the youngest of three brothers. After primary and part of secondary school in his home town, he joined the Seminary Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo run by the Augustinian Recollects in Monachil, Granada, Spain in 1982

His attraction for religious life was born spontaneously in the womb of his family from various close examples. His father had three brothers: Julian, David and Juan Francisco Hernandez Cuadrado who were priests in the Province of St. Thomas of Villanueva and a cousin of these uncles was also a Recollect in the same Province.

The thirty religious in chapter reelected Miguel Ángel Hernández Domínguez. Prior Provincial for the next three years 2009-2012.

Fr. Miguel made his novitiate in Los Negrales (Madrid, Spain) and his profession of temporal vows on 15th August 1984 in Burgos, a city where he would carry on his religious and academic formation in theology and philosophy. He professed solemn vows on 10th December 1988 and was ordained to the priesthood in Madrid on 30th June 1990 by the Augustinian Recollect bishop Florentino Zabalza Iturri.


Straight after ordination he went to the Vicariate of Brazil. He ended up in the community of Leblon (Rio de Janeiro) where he spent a year studying and as assistant priest in the parish. In 1992 he went to Sao Paulo, to the parish of St. John the Baptist – Vila Guarani- where he did some liturgy studies as well as being assistant priest in the parish. At the end of that same year he was moved to Belém do Pará. There in the seminary Santo Tomás de Villanueva, he was deeply involved in the formation of the young postulants. He stayed there till the year 2000.

After the 30th Provincial Chapter he was appointed Vicar for Brazil, having his residence in Rio de Janeiro. He was there till July 2006 when he was elected Provincial for the first time.