
More than 50 Augustinian Recollect Contemplative Nuns are gathered to study the person of Saint Augustine

These days dedicated to the study of Augustine are a continuation of last year’s gathering at the Sacred Heart Monastery, Tecamachalco, Mexico City. The main themes of the said gathering were the obligations proper of a 5th century bishop. The speaker contextualized the Episcopal work of Saint Augustine, presenting history, the characteristics and functions of the Audientia Episcopalis, to which Augustine dedicated himself for so many hours. He spoke about the catechesis, its structure and dynamics in the 5th century, and its concrete application in the Augustinian pastoral life, by making a reference to Augustine’s De Catechizandis rudibus.

New sermons

Father Enrique made an exposition on Augustinian preaching, making a brief schema of rhetoric, and a general presentation of the sermons of Augustine, focusing, in a special way, on the new Erfurt sermons, which were discovered in 2007, and were opened for studies on April 15, 2008, particularly on sermons Erfurt 1, 5, and 6, whose Spanish translated text were given to all the participants for their study and discussion.

The social and charitable role of bishops were highlighted, focusing, in a special way, on the traces found in Augustinian writings—particularly in Sermon 339 and Letter 10* for the question that dealt with the mangones (slave traffickers) –, and also on the archeological vestiges of Ancient Hippos (now Annaba, Algeria).


A general presentation of the dimensions, characteristics and peculiarities of Hippo diocese was made as well, following the studies and contributions of experts, like Peter Brown and Serge Lancel. It was also underscored the fact that, despite his Episcopal and pastoral responsibilities, he never left his being a monk. For this reason, emphasis was given to monastic life established by Saint Augustine and to Augustinian monastic writings, making a detailed presentation of the Rule of Saint Augustine — from which the so-called Regularis informatio was also highlighted, that is, the feminine version of the Rule of Saint Augustine as it is contained in Letter 211, 5-16, and also of Augustinian works, De Sancta Virginitate and De opera monacharum, whose text were read and discussed in the evening sessions of this course.


The controversies which Augustine had to face within the years 395-418, were also presented, highlighting particularly the controversy with the Donatists and the consequences of the Conference at Carthage in the year 411, and the controversy with the Pelagians, their principal exponents, ideas, writings and the impact that the so-called Epistola Tractoria of Pope Zosimo of 418 had.


The prevailing ambience of the course was the spirit of fraternity and trust. The Augustinian Recollect nuns did not only have the opportunity to know more the person, the time, the controversies and the ideas of Saint Augustine, but they were also able to live in fellowship and to have interchange of ideas among themselves.

The religious present came from the Sacred Heart Monastery (Tecamachalco, Mexico City), Our Lady of Consolation Monastery (Mimosa, Mexico City), Saint Joseph Monastery (Papalotla, Texcoco); Good Counsel Monastery, (Cuernavaca); Saint Augustine Monastery (Macuxtepetla, Huejutla); Holy Angels Monastery (Morelia); and the religious of the host community of Saint Joseph Monastery at Tlaxcala.

The nuns who participated from the various monasteries, are now given the charge of echoing to their respective communities the content and the principal ideas of what they have learned in the course.