
You can now share the content of the oficial website of the Order with more than 150 social networks

It’s very easy share any content of the official web page of the Order of Augustinian Recollects. Just pass the mouse over the link “share” that you find beside the name of the article and then choose the social network you want to send the information to.

For example let’s take Facebook: when a user wishes to share content on Facebook s/he will be making available the link to that information in his/her user profile, in this way allowing all his contacts to see and have access too.

This type of tool has advantages we wish to make available to our users on the Order’s website. Besides sharing on social networks, one can easily add any content to favourites, recommend through e-mail, or print any content.

In total there are more than 150 social networks and services 2.0 accessible through the “sharing” link. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Meneame, Google Bookmarks, Live or Fresqui are among the sites, found on the Orders website, that information can be sent to.

Extending the philosophy of life and charism of St. Augustine

Our mission is to follow Christ, serve the Church and extend the philosophy of life and charism of St. Augustine. We do this in diverse ways, one of them is through the Order’s website. And now we are adding this new facility to expand and make our mission easier.