
Norberto Escobar, 75 years old, elected prior provincial of the augustininan recollects of Colombia and Chile until 2013

At the closure of the 78th Provincial Chapter of Candelaria in the convent of El Desierto de la Candelaria (Colombia), the newly elected provincial Norberto Escobar chose his councilors who were presented and voted upon by the delegates of the provincial chapter. They are his collaborators in the decision making and the fulfillment of the ordinances within the next four years.

The Vicar Provincial and first councilor is Jairo Orlando Soto. The rest of the provincial council is composed of: Alvaro Mora, Julian Antonio Hincapie, and Jose Andres Zambrano.

Formator and parish priest

Escobar was born in San Antonio de Prado (Antioquia, Colombia) on 11 December 1934. He is to celebrate his 75th birthday. At the moment of his election, the new provincial served as a seminary formator and parish priest in the part of Suba, Colombia. Throughout his life, he has handled various responsibilities such as director, coordinator of parochial communities, missions, but most of all in the field of formation. Almost all his ministry was exercised in his own country, Colombia, even if his formation was done in Europe.

They are his collaborators in the decision making and the fulfillment of the ordinances within the next four years.
He studied philosophy in Desierto de la Candelaria de Raquira of Boyaca, Colombia. His theological studies were done in the University of Comillas; Madrid, Spain. He was ordained priest in Comillas, Santander (Spain) in 1958. He obtained the doctorate in theology and the licentiate in Canon Law at the Gregorian University (Rome, Italy). In 1993 he gained the title of professor of Religious Life in Xaverian University (Bogota, Colombia).