
The Augustinian Recollect, Jeronimo Azanza, retrieves the meaning of Christmas by founding an Association of Nativity Makers

Q. You are known in Panama as promoter of Nativity (“Bethlehem”) making and for the Christmas contests you organized. How long have you been doing this?
A. I have been doing this all my life, and especially after I took my Licentiate from the University of Panama with the thesis, “The Tender Drama of Bethlehem”. I do this because the birth of Jesus Christ is central and the most significant event in history. “Nativity is the actualization and new presence of the salvific mystery of God who took our nature” (S.C. Nº 102). I give you great news, St. Luke tells us in the Gospel. We should therefore prepare for it… because what is not prepared cannot be celebrated.


Q.- Can you explain to us when the practice of making “Bethlehem” began in the Church, and how this affects our preparation for Christmas?
A. We know that St. Francis of Assisi made the first representation of the scene of the birth of Jesus Christ in December of 1223 at the cave of Rieti, Italy. It is curious how Nativity, being a central episode in the life of Jesus and therefore of the redemption of humankind, was not represented in 3-dimensional art within the first twelve centuries of Christianity. No painting or sculpture in catacombs provides us a reproduction of the birth of Jesus. Only after December 1223 did convents and parishes, artists and the Christian world in general echoed in multiform and magnificent ways the beat of St. Francis of Assisi.


Q. Is there an Augustinian Recollect tradition of preparing “Bethlehem”?
A. We recall with joy how in all the houses, parishes, schools and ministries where we lived Nativities were prepared always, following tradition, with love and illusion, with novenas, gifts, Christmas plays and music.

There is a need to retrieve the immense values of the Mystery of Bethlehem: joy, tranquility, reflection, calm, peace, etc.

Q. What do you think is the meaning of “Bethlehem” and what of it should be recovered?
A. There is a need to retrieve the immense values of the Mystery of Bethlehem: joy, tranquility, reflection, calm, peace, etc., imitating St. Joseph and the Most Holy Virgin. To overcome haste, nervousness, stress, and that state of being everywhere and yet being nowhere.

Q. How was the idea of founding the “Association of Nativity Makers of Panama” born?
A. The article of the foundation of states, “, “The Association of Nativity Makers is founded in the city of Panama in response to the noble concerns and great desire of many Panamanians to improve the celebration of Christmas.


Q. How will you realize the objectives to recuperate the Christian meaning of Nativity?
A. By means of lectures, contests, the use of multimedia including the Internet, etc., I can promote anything related to Christmas. The degradation of the values of Nativity begins with the substitution of Christian signs. Figures of imagination like, Santa Claus, the elves, flying reindeer, dwarfs, the snowman, and others, have been propagated by publicity as valid symbols. These make us forget the essential.

Q. What do you ask from the Child of Belen this Christmas?
A. That he occupy anew the center of our life and that his will be always done in us.

Association Of Nativity Makers Of Panama

The Association of Nativity Makers of Panama was founded on October 3, 2009 at the social hall of the parish of St. Joseph. Present were the following: Mons. Jóse Domingo Ulloa, auxiliary bishop of Panama representing the Archbishop; the director of Catholic Panorama, Luis Alberto Díaz, accompanied by media men and women; and representatives of the parishes of the old section of Panama.

Mons. Ulloa congratulated Fr. Jerónimo for the creation of the Association. With the approval of the bishop a new stage of the campaign to have proper preparation of Nativity began in Panama.

Objectives of the Association

1. To retrieve authentic Nativity with all its immense values.

2. To underscore the mystery of Bethlehem, the birth of the child Jesus, true God and man.

3. To promote everything related to Christmas, like: conferences, contests, multi-media materials and messages (radio, television, internet, web page, etc.).

4. To eliminate anything that is not Nativity: toys related to war, grotesque figures, and other products of imagination, like Santa Claus.

5. The seat of the Association is in the church of St. Joseph (“Altar of Gold”) in Panama.