
A spiritual retreat on the Augustinian Easter gathers more than the expected number of participants in New Jersey

The retreat, directed by the Augustinian Recollect Enrique Eguiarte (Director of the journal “Avgvstinvs”), had to start a bit late. When everything was ready in the Chapel of the Centro Guadalupe, where the organization was expecting a maximum of 150 persons, the expected participants of the retreat were doubled. The in-charge of the retreat decided to transfer the more than 300 participants to the nearby Holy Family Church where the faithful could attend the said retreat with greater comfort and space. The retreat started with the welcome address of the parish priest of the Holy Family, Father Francisco Legarra.


During the first talk, Fr. Eguiarte invited those present to reflect on the meaning of the resurrection of Christ and the commitment to an intense interior life of prayer, all this in the light of the thought of Saint Augustine. He presented the reflections with texts of the bishop of Hippo and illustrated his explanations with some anecdotes that helped in understanding better what he was trying to present. In the second talk, the Augustinian scholar talked about the supernatural sense that the life of the believer, as citizen of the City of God and pilgrim of this world, must have.

The participants went beyond the expected number due to the influx of more than 300 parishioners.
In the afternoon, the third talk of Fr. Eguiarte presented the theme of the resurrection in the Paleo-Christian art. First, he presented briefly the pessimism of the pagan art and compared it with Christian hope that is reflected in the artistic expressions of the first communities. In order to illustrate his words, he used projected images that would help understand with examples the happiness and joy of the resurrection.

After the recollection, the participants were invited to the Centro Guadalupe to watch a theater presentation on the Passion of Christ prepared by a youth group of the Parish of the Holy Family.