
Augustinain Recollect presence in the plenary assembly of international Union Of Superior Generals (UISG)

The Plenary Assembly of International Union of Superior Generals (Women) was held in Rome last May 7 to 11. Inspired by the motto of St. John of the Cross: "how good for me to know the fountain that springs and flows…even if it's dark", 850 women superior generals reflected on mysticism and prophecy in the modern time. They manifested and represented the ecclesial communion of 750,000 religious scattered all over the world.

Augustinian Recollect presence

In each day of the Assembly there was a eucharistic celebration . In its opening day it was presided by Fr. Eusebio Hernandez, OAR who represented the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life. Referring himself to the apostolic activities of St. Paul, he recognized and appreciated the numerous, generous and maternal presence of the women religious in the evangelization work and in their care for the "least" in the society. In behalf of the universal Church, Fr. Eusebio thanked their generosity in the apostolate and encouraged them not to be swayed by pessimism especially in these trying moments suffered by the attacks and criticism against the Church. It is Jesus, he continued, being always present among us,who guides or directs the Church. On the second day it was the turn of the Jesuit general (SJ) to preside the mass. The concluding mass was by the superior general of the Divine Word (SVD).

For this Assembly (UISG) some women superiors were housed in the OAR generalate in Rome. Among those who came were Sr. Maxima Pelaez, the superior general of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters (in the Philippines); Sr. Josefina Casagrande, vicar general of the Augustinian Recollect Missionaries (MAR). Together with them were Sr. Carmen Dominguez, superior general of the Sisters of Charity of Cardinal Sancha and Sr. Mery Martin, superior general of AMICO (Missionary Friends of Christ the Worker).

The Plenary Assembly of International Union of Superior Generals (Women) was held in Rome last May 7 to 11.
Mysticism and prophecy

Fr. Ciro Garcia, OCD, in the inaugural session, delved on the theological and spiritual concepts of the terms: mysticism and prophecy in the life and perspective of the modern world.

Two women religious coming from Asia and Africa also shared some reflection. Sr. Judette Gallares, RC emphasized on listening as a means to arrive at being a mystic and a prophet for today. To illustrate her point, she narrated the story of Lydia, the woman mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles as a convert to Christianity and which could serve as a model for a religious to be a mystic and a prophet in our time. From here she elaborated the process of conversion as an experience of darkness towards the realization stage then to a prophetic action and contemplation. On her part, Sr. Liliane Sweko, SND, an african, alluded to the mystics and prophets of our time who were assasinated in their apostolic ministry. These modern prophets serve as the salt of the earth and the light of the world by the witness of their life and communities. It concluded with concrete actions especially on formation and the participation in international organizations.

Biblical icons

On the third day of the Assembly a rabbi from the United States elaborated a theology of empathy. It was followed by the conference of Fr. Bruno Secondin, O Carm. on the biblical icons of the "branch of the Almond Tree" and the "boiling Pot" (Jer1:11-13). He tried to explain what will be the future of our mystical-prophetic inheritance. He started with Christ, his involvement in the process and concluded the reflection on the daily mysticism.

Each conference had a subsequent discussion and reflection in the hall as well as in the 84 groups divided according to language. The universality of the gathering was manifested in the diversity of languages and nationalities of the participants.

At the closure of the Assembly, some information were presented such as justice and peace, project about AIDS, etc. There was also enough time to discuss about "constellation" (wherein there was a division into 60 "constellations" forming large areas composed of various countries).