
Two hundred fifty-two (252) proposals for the coming Augustinian Recollect general chapter

The members of the Precapitular Commission gathered in the Curia General from June 7 to 12 in order to finalize the work which started last October 21, 2009. In this regard, the commission scrutinized, put to order and summarized all the responses of the religious from the different provinces. The replies are done either individually, or shared and discussed in community or during study forum in the delegation or vicariate level. The total number of those who responded is two hundred fifty-two.

Daily, the task was done in three sessions about two hours except those dedicated to the reading and individual study of the elaborated documents. The commission worked both as an entire body as well as in pair so as to facilitate the analysis of the received documents and examined them with a wider perspective. In this way, upon finishing the work, the commission could submit to the general council various documents, namely the replies of the religious to the questionnaire; another is a document containing the same topics and grouped together as significant items for consideration of the capitular fathers; and a summarized document containing the directive suggested by the big number of religious on topics that would form part in the list for the chapter and which can serve for serious study and reflection. The recorded minutes on the activities of these days were also submitted. The general council will present these documents to the general chapter.

Sacerdotal Year

The gathering and works of the commission did not hinder the members in doing their task and participation in the activities organized for the closing Year for Priests in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, as well as in the Vigil and Eucharistic celebration at St. Peter's Square. The closing ceremonies were celebrated last June 11 which coincided with the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In the same manner the precapitular sessions neither was a burden to a vibrant communitarian life experienced in the warmth hospitality and generosity of both the Curia and Collegio Internazionale Sant’Ildefonso communities.