
The NGO, HAREN ALDE, brings Spanish solidarity to 5 countries and to more than 2000 children

In 2009 the investment in development projects was over one million euros. To the economic effort and solidarity of the members and benefactors of the NGO Haren Alde we have to add the aid received from both local and provincial administrations.. Without these contributions it would have been impossible to finance these initiatives, covering the basic needs in areas of seven American and African countries.

The Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha, the Generalitat de Valencia, the Government of Navarra, the town councils of Zaragoza, Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), Tudela (Navarra), Pamplona (Navarra), Intervida, Fundación Desarrollo Medioambiental, Fundación Castellano Manchega de Cooperación, as well as the Federación Navarra de Municipios y Concejos, were some of the institutions that joined up to the proposals of the NGO Haren Alde.

One of the projects that deserves attention was in Yopal (Colombia). After a year of work and effort 18 families from the Columbian area of Yopal, who were in dire poverty now have a decent house to live in. The project “ Strengthening society by building social housing for marginalised families” promoted by Haren Alde and part funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, has managed to set up 18 marginalised families in accommodation thanks to the building of said houses.

Nearly 2.200 children sponsored

In 2009 Haren Alde channelled the aid needed for 2.196 children in 12 countries in Latin America and Africa. This has allowed them to have a better quality of life. There are more than two thousand reasons to be satisfied because children from Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Filipinas, China, Guatemala, Panamá, Perú, Republica Dominicana, Sierra Leona and Venezuela have found that indispensable support for their basic needs.

Strengthening the NGO’s identity

The president of the NGO, Fr. Manuel Fernández Rodríguez, in the opening of the report, says that Haren Alde continues to strengthen its identity, both in the Augustinian Recollect ministries and communities and in society. The NGO has consolidated or initiated contact with other entities and taken steps to establish a System of quality management. The “Day for Haren Alde” in Guadalajara, the two General Meetings and the different acts of the delegations are part of the general effort generated the whole year through to achieve the objectives.

Haren Alde wishes to continue innovating and being creative in 2010. That is why we work on new initiatives like the “Haren Alde Solidarity Day” or updating our information network. In it’s first year the “Solidarity Day” paid tribute to and promoted solidarity with the Augustinian Recollect enclosed nuns in their monastery in Kenya and with the people who live around it by giving them access to fresh water. All this helps to make the NGO and the Order better known. Only joining wills and effort will be able to achieve this, according to the NGO’s president: “Together with you in helping others”.


The Non government organisation was started in Navarra in 1992 by the Augustinian Recollect Order. It’s one aim to work for the poorest people and peoples.

It’s development and sponsoring projects have been made possible thanks to the economic support of official organisations, foundations, sponsors and benefactors.

It also counts on the solidarity of the parishes and colleges run by the Augustinian Recollects in Spain and in the 19 countries where the Order is found.

Haren Alde Works with volunteers.