
The NPO Haren Alde is in the process of inner restructuring to consolidate itself as an Augustinian Recollect solidarity project

The Augustinian Recollect and general counselor in charge of missions, Jose Maria Sanchez, presented the ordinations regarding the NPO in the General Chapter. Certain actions are asked to be taken during the following six years. Some of these actions are bringing the Order closer to the different social and church forums which promote social peace and justice in local communities, and another point wants professionalism in Haren Alde.

More participation, organization and formation of laity volunteers. Facilities must be improved and so must the funds. Haren Alde is also asked to make itself present in all the countries where the Order is present.

En definitiva, concluyó Sánchez, se trata de “hacer de nuestra ONGD Haren Alde el proyecto común de solidaridad de toda la gran Familia Agustino-Recoleta, de modo que contribuya eficazmente a la evangelización en nuestras misiones y ministerios del siglo XXI”.

2010 Activities

In a few days the summary offered by Manuel Fernandez, Augustinian Recollect and president of Haren Alde, will be published for all to see. It contains a list of help given to development projects, sponsorships, relations with other institutions, volunteers, and administrative procedures.

This was also the moment in which the different Delegates representing their Spanish Autonomous Community explained their actions, propositions and opinions. In conclusion, the Augustinian Recollect Missionary Sister (MAR) presented their work done in alliance with Haren Alde.

New Organization Chart and Model of Procedures

In the second part of the assembly dedicated to studying the reality of Haren Alde, gave time for the presentation concerning the new organization chart and model of procedures thought by the next director of this NPO. An important restructuring will begin with the creation of a new general management which will include laity.

It will have two working teams made up of religious and laity in each of the delegations and central office. Both teams will be aware of the ways Haren Alde can cooperate with the mission it has in promoting projects focused on: development, sponsorships, formation of volunteers, economy, communication and awareness.

There will be a person responsible for each area that will accompany the delegates and their work group with clear and specific functions and responsibilities. This new organization chart requires a formally contracted layperson to act as a general director which will work in coordination with the religious who will be president of the institution.

Obviously this new plan which will be a reality by the year 2014 provoked many questions, opinions and clarifications at the end of the assembly.

20th Anniversary At Hand

Other points were debated such as the role of the counterparts when asking for help for a certain Project. And an idea was presented: Now that Haren Alde will soon celebrate its 25th anniversary, may it make itself present at the next World Youth Conference in Madrid together with the Augustinian Recollect Youth Groups?