
TVE reports: The Augustinian Recollect bishop, José Luis Azcona on the “hit list”

The half-an-hour documentary with the title, “Dom Jose: marcado para morir,” (Don Jose on the hit list) will be aired on October 14 at 11:30 AM in La2 of TVE. It can be viewed on the same Sunday through the international channel of TVE in various countries with different schedules (10:25AM GMT+1). Likewise, the transmission of this TV segment in Spain can be watched simultaneously through the It will be broadcasted again on Friday, October 19 at 9:00AM (Spanish time) in La2 and will be available for viewing on the internet ( from October 15 onwards.

Msgr. Azcona is on the hit list by denouncing sexual exploitation of women and children in Marajó, an archipelago of 3,000 islands in the huge mouth of the Amazon river. Just like Msgr. Azcona, two other bishops are targets of the mafias of this Brazilian state.

Corrupt judges, police officers and politicians

Msgr. Azcona has testified in a commission formed by the Parliament of Brasilia to investigate human trafficking. In the presence of the members of the Parliament, he spoke of the exploitation of minors in the Church of Marajó. Azcona of the Order of Augustinian Recollects has straightforwardly accused judges, police officers and politicians by name.

The actuations of the Msgr. Azcona in defense of human rights have a long history. The House of Representatives has received long reports signed by the bishop. He denounces the situation of prisoners in jail and the inaction of health authorities as regards the deaths in his prelature due to an unknown disease. The bishop accused a judge for his alleged participation in feasts, which promoted sex with minors. Trafficking in women has been one of the realities that have brought more problems to the local society. The Church has acted on this case, spearheading investigations and complains. Lastly, Azcona has also exposed the illegal trafficking of animals and native plants in the Commission.

Police Protection Haren During the recording

The Brazilian Episcopal Conference supports unconditionally the three bishops on the hit list. In one of the statements released by the group of Brazilian bishops, the mafia was warned that “any aggression against these three bishops is an attempt against all the bishops and against the people whom they serve with zeal and courage.” Whenever there would be a general assembly of Brazilian bishops, these three on the hit list are given police protection. In their last meeting that lasted for ten days in Aparecida, San Paolo, the three bishops of Pará were well-guarded. For the whole duration of the assembly, five security officers assigned by the federal government took turns day and night to guard the bishops on the hit list.

A price on his head

On February 26, 2008, a telephone conversation recorded by the police revealed that one of them has a price on his head: one million reales (375,000 euros). According to the newspaper, “El Liberal,” the “hit list” in the state of Pará has 100 names related to the defense of human rights. They are all under the State Protection Program. The death threats would usually come through telephone calls, anonymous letters, e-mails and newspaper articles.
