
The Pope describes social networks as new areas for evangelization in the World Communications Day

As a tradition, the papal message for the World Communications Day was made public on the 24th of January, coinciding with the Feast of St. Francis de Sales, Patron of Journalists. The Day is celebrated on May 12, when Pope Francis occupies the Seat of Peter; but the message was signed by Benedict XVI two weeks and a half before his resignation.

New Agora

The topic on which the Pope reflects this year is the social networks, which he introduces as “portals of truth and faith” and “new areas for evangelization”, since “they are contributing to the emergence of a new “agora”, or public and open gathering place where persons share ideas, pieces of information and opinions” And not only are news and pieces of information shared; but “new relationships and forms of community likewise originate”. At the end, the persons themselves, are the object of communication.

The challenge to speak about the truth and values

On dealing with the most sensitive fibers of the person in a very direct way, the networks entail a challenge and commitment: “a challenge for those who desire to speak about truth and values”, by not yielding to triviality, but considering the radical aspirations of the human heart”.

Commitment is asked of “all those who are aware of the value of dialogue, reasoned debate, of logical argumentation”. Properly speaking, it is not only to display one’s own wealth. Commitment is more demanding, beautiful and promising: It is necessary to achieve that persons not only acknowledge the existence of the culture of the other, but that they also aspire to enrich themselves with it and to offer it what they possess as good, truthful and beautiful.

Sharing Hope

Basically, challenge and commitment are measured by the act of sharing. In the network, the believer shares above all, “the deep source of his hope and joy”. He does this not only by explicitly proclaiming his faith, but also with his testimony. And Pope Benedict specifies: “An especially significant form of giving testimony is the willingness to give oneself to others by being ready to respond with patience and respect to their questions and doubts in their journey of discovering the truth and meaning of human existence”.

This sharing should not end in the network. “In fact, many individuals are discovering, precisely thanks to a contact that started in the networks, the importance of direct contact”. There is a need to count on this possibility, and even propose it openly: With the intention of making the Gospel present in digital ambience, we can invite individuals to experience prayer meetings or liturgical celebrations in concrete places such as churches or chapels.