
Albeiro Arenas: “Pope Francis wants us to question the way we serve the People of God”

Albeiro de Jesús Arenas Molina was born in Urrao (Antioquia, Colombia) 40 years ago. A member of a big family composed of five sisters and two brothers. Both he and his brother Enrique felt being called by God to Augustinian Recollect way of life. At the age of 20 he entered the seminary of Manizales to study Philosophy. He made his solemn vows three years after and received his priestly ordination at the age of 26 in Suba (Bogotá). He performed all his pastoral duty in Colombia. First as parish priest and formator of young religious. Later on as Rector of Uniagustiniana.

Fr. Albeiro has obtained his licentiate in Theology in the Universidad Javierana of Bogotá and licentiate in Philosophy and Religious Sciences in Bucaramanga (Colombia), where he also studied English in “Praxis Laboratory” and obtained a diploma in Management and Economics. At present he is immersed in studies leading to doctorate in Theology in the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana of Medellin (Colombia).

Before having been elected Superior by his brothers, Albeiro de Jesús Arenas Molina had served the Province as Procurator, Councillor and Vicar Provincial.

P.- What does it mean to you that you have been chosen Prior Provincial?
R.- A great responsibility for the Church, the Order and the Province and ministries; in short, for all of us who are involved in ministerial activities.

P.- What are the priorities of the Augustinian Recollects in Colombia and Chile?
R. – In accordance with the objective drawn by the Chapter, to strengthen spiritual life, communitarian life and team work.

Interior Conversion

P. – What are the objectives that the 79th Provincial Chapter of Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria has drawn for you and how would you achieve them?
R.- To strengthen spiritual life, the communitarian life and team work for the revitalization of the Province in its vocational, formative, educational and ministerial dimensions, in the context of the new evangelization.

We hope to achieve it by following the path traced for us by the conclusions of the Chapter. It will be possible only in the measure that all of us religious assume, with conviction, an interior conversion which is the task of all, and not only of few, not even of the Provincial government only. It is only by this means that we achieve what we are proposing.


Haren The new Fr. Provincial and his Council P. – How do you see the process of revitalization of the Order and what repercussions does it have in Colombia and Chile?
R.- All the materials that have been sent to us for reflection have greatly enlightened and inspired us; the same can be said of the celebrations in which we are repeatedly invited to religiously assume this process. It is necessary to do it, given the circumstances of the modern world in which we live. It is better now and in time, and not perhaps later and obliged by the circumstances of the moment.

The process must affect our entire life: essentially its spiritual and communitarian dimensions; all the others will be just projection towards the exterior.

P.- What do the gestures and words of Pope Francis mean to you and the Augustinian Recollects?
R.- It is a new period in the life of the Church that makes us think and deeply question the manner we serve the People of God. It is a providential moment for our desire for revitalization and restructuration.


P.- You have been the first Rector of the Uniagustiniana, what does the university mean for the Order, and what opportunity is being given to the young and society?
R.- It is a great opportunity of continually giving our religious better education , as students and teachers, in order to respond to the intellectual challenges of today. An opportunity to continually spread the Augustinian teaching; a great opportunity to evangelize the academe and, through research works, to enlighten the events and signs of the times.

It can also support the Order and the Province in many academic, technological, strategic processes, marketing and in its social influence, among others.

A good, integral, human, Christian and Augustinian education is offered, and therefore, transformative of what hinders development, well-being, justice, peace and reconciliation.


P.- How do perceive the violence in Colombia and what can be done in order achieve peace?
P.- Violence is the result of social disorder, which has its root in bad education, corruption, and the manifestation of the arrogance of powerful and the rich. We will fight it by means serious dialogue among all: not only of those who lead the process, but also of the victimisers and the victims, both direct and indirect. And also by working with so many children who have suffered from atrocious acts, so that they may grow up without feelings of vengeance. In this field, we intend to make important contribution, which we have already mentioned: a transformative education of all different social levels, an integral and liberating education.