
Contemplating Jesus, touching the heart of the poors, building the peace

Merry Christmas!

In the silence of the night, God becomes a child in Bethlehem.

This night, looking up to the sky, we see how the star of hope shines and eternity dawns.

We contemplate with joy, here on this our Earth, the Child in the manger.

With him are Mary and Joseph,

and some shepherds come near with joy and kiss him in faith.

This child is a Kiss of justice and peace for all Humanity.

We open ourselves today to the child who calls in the depths of our hearts.

He is made present in our families and in our daily tasks.

This same God becomes alive in our lives;

And Love becomes a service, a gift, a prayer and a joy.

We sense the heartbeat of the poor

And touch upon the pain of so many wars…

We open today our hearts: for God is love

And We build peace together.

The Order of the Augustinian Recollects wish to you and all your families a very happy Christmas!