
Assembly for OAR Formators in El Desierto de la Candelaria in Colombia

In this emblematic place, the cradle of the Recollection in the Americas, 31 religious have gathered, all those who are engaged in the formation field, and coming from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, Philippines, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, countries where the Order has formation houses.  Actually there are 25 houses in which 370 young men are formed and have started  their Augustinian recollect vocation journey.

Augustinian Recollect Formation Itinerary (ARFI)

The Augustinian Recollect Formation Itinerary (ARFI) has focused the subject areas, reflection and workshops of this assembly, organized by the General Secretariat of Formation.  The ARFI is a pedagogy, a “wisdom”, a way of formation which will help our formands to shape oneself in Christ according to the charism of the Order and put into practice its sentiments, to make one’s own the augustinian recollect way, to adopt as his own the Augustinian existential journey  and the renewed passion of the Recollection.

Fr. Carlos Gonzales led and coordinated the explanation and workshops of the assembly;  Fr. Javier Goizueta and Fr. Rafael Mediavilla worked with him.  Fr. Angel Jahir Cordoba was in charge of the logistics who thoroughly prepared the details of the venue.  The participants were able to know better this new style or pedagogy of ARFI formation, the augustinian anthropology that sustains it, its points of strength and objectives, the means and instruments: retreats, spiritual exercises, the week of formation, the workshops, the files, the personal accompaniment, the works as a team of the formators.

To form in ARFI key concept

The assembly inspired the formators in the work of forming in ARFI key concept, it was shown its advantages and  demands, and they were facilitated with pedagogical instruments to be used. The objectives of each formative stage is better specified, experiences were shared, its achievements and problems, the instruments or means were specified and arranged to secure the initial stage of formation parting from the charism, the existing materials were revised and corrected, but it is from the fraternal life and warm reception of the Province of La Candelaria and the community of El Desierto, where we have experienced at all time the joy of living and working together.