
Campaign “United with Venezuela: your help is a light of hope”

The Social Apostolate Commission of the Order of Augustinian Recollects, with the support of ARCORES, the Augustinian Recollect International Solidarity Network, launches a pro-Venezuela campaign titled “United with Venezuela: your help is a light of hope.”

This campaign is a response to the situation that is being experienced in the country and of which the community of Augustinian Recollects who lives there and assists Venezuelans in need, has been reporting on different occasions. Likewise, the Prior General of the Order, Miguel Miró, has expressed his concern and solidarity with our Venezuelan brothers, as in the protocol sent on May 5, in which the Prior General requested prayers for Venezuela and the union in prayer with The brothers there. He also expressed solidarity with all those who work in Venezuela for freedom, justice and peace (see Prot. CG 101/2017)

In the last protocol of July 29, Miguel Miró reiterated his words asking the entire Augustinian Recollect Family for a special solidarity effort in the face of the situation of the Venezuelan people, united by strong historical and sentimental roots to the Augustinian Recollect Family And where the Order has been present and giving its help and prayer for many years.

“United with Venezuela: your help is a light of hope”

With this campaign, the Order intends to materialize the aid so that the community of Augustinian Recollects found in Venezuela can continue to help people in situations of vulnerability.

In this way, the Order also joins the call of the Venezuelan bishops and has courageously raised its prophetic voice: “The cries of my people are heard throughout the whole country” (Jer 8:13). The people who feel beaten by hunger, lack of guarantees for health, the difficult acquisition of medicines and insecurity in every way … We invite all members of the Church and people of good will to make the option come true Preferential treatment for the poorest and most excluded. In addition to sustaining with prayer, reflection and other initiatives every effort to end the crisis, we ask you to express solidarity with those who suffer hunger, need and despair.

How can you send your help?

1. Delivering the money to the authorized person of your parish, church or educational center, this person is in charge of channeling and getting your help.

2. Depositing in one of the following two accounts of Banco Sabadell SA:

Account in EUROS (€):


IBAN Account Number: ES88 0081 0640 6800 0216 8519


Account in USD DOLLARS ($):


IBAN Account Number: ES19 0081 0640 6700 7199 0313


Do you want to share the campaign so that it reaches the whole world?

You can download the images of the campaign and disseminate them in your RRSS.

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