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What is the Center of Formation ‘In Imun Cordis’?

The Order of Augustinian Recollects has launched the Center of Formation ‘In Imun Cordis’ with the aim of strengthening the accompaniment of the formators to the young Augustinian Recollects

The Order of Augustinian Recollects has inaugurated a new center for the religious who are accompanying young people who are in vocational discernment or already in the formation stage. This responds to the call of Pope Francis to “form for the mission, to form in the passion of the proclamation, to form in that passion to go wherever, to any periphery, to announce to all the love of Jesus Christ, especially those who are far away, to relate it to the little ones and the poor, and let themselves be evangelized by them “.

From January 28 to February 18, those responsible for the accompaniment in the houses of formation from twelve countries and various religious interested in accompaniment, are in Colombia to study how the Church today poses challenges and important challenges that we have to face with determination from the initial and permanent formation.

The Augustinian Recollects, through the General Secretariat of Spirituality and Formation, have taken seriously the challenge of being artisans of integral formation with the next generations of religious and priests creating a Center to accompany their integral growth. This center for companions is a center to learn to love; a center to be fully human. It is formed in an accompaniment from the desire of God and the Augustinian love; from the passion for life, for Christ and for the Church that defines the Augustinian Recollects; and from the three characteristic wisdoms: Interior, Community and Church.

The vocation of companion inspires to deepen in the own charism and to turn it into the second vocation: to be instruments so that the people meet with the Interior Master, “more intimate than the own intimacy” in words of San Agustín.

The motto, “In Imum Cordis” (“Towards the depth of the heart”), guides the Center of Formation knowing that it can not be accompanied in these depths that transcend without the integral formation of the companion.

With this center, the Augustinian Recollects want to form companions to be pilgrims with those who make a pilgrimage in life, as Jesus did; train to accompany from heart to heart; to tune into the vital moment of search and encounter; to get involved with the direction of people’s deep desire; to accompany the qualitative leaps that the person seeks and needs; and to accompany from an authentic, integral and involved love.

Everything from humility and happiness, from the Word and towards community and communion with the Church.

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