56º Capítulo general | We're telling you

The challenge of vocations and the young

The General Chapter recognizes the work of the Order in vocation promotion, youth ministry and initial formation.

Youth, vocation ministry, initial formation and causes for canonization were the topics discussed on the fifth day of the 56th   General Chapter of the Augustinian Recollects. The capitulars continued to dialogue on the different areas that make up the  daily life of the Order.

During the two sessions of this Saturday  -no sessions were scheduled in the afternoon- the reports on vocation and youth ministry were read. The chapter confirmed the Order’s commitment to the Augustinian Recollect Vocational Itinerary (Spanish: IVAR) and the need for the promoters to carry out a more intense accompaniment. The importance of the local vocation guides and the groups of lay who work in vocational guidance was also underlined.

With regard to young people, the General Chapter recognized the work of counseling carried out by the religious and insisted on this point, as part of the commitment to the Augustinian Recollect Youth (English: RAY). The capitulars also recalled the celebration of the Augustinian Recollect World Youth Day and reflected on the project of regionalizing the RAY movement to better adapt to the particular context. Finally, the chapter highlighted the courageous witnessing of the RAY of Venezuela amidst the difficulties facing the country.

Initial formation also came into focus in Saturday’s sessions. The General and the provincials reported on the state and reality of the Augustinian Recollect Formative Itinerary, the stages of formation and the School of Formation, this last a creation of  the previous General Chapter.

The postulator of the Order, Gabriel Robles, also reported on the ongoing causes of canonization of Augustinian Recollect religious men and women. Among them, those of Bishop Alfonso Gallegos and Mariano Gazpio and recognized as venerable in 2016 and 2021, respectively, were highlighted. 

The Eucharist of the day was presided over by the Augustinian Recollect Patricio Pamo. The celebration ended with the singing of the Salve and the Joseph, as is customary in the communities of the Order.