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José David Niño, new Prior Provincial of the Province of Our Lady of Candelaria

The Augustinian Recollect from Colombia was ratified by the 81st Provincial Chapter, which was held in Bogota (Colombia).

Friar José David Niño Gómez is the new Prior Provincial of the Province of Our Lady of Candelaria. The 81st Provincial Chapter, which began on November 1 and concluded this Sunday the 13th in Bogota (Colombia), ratified the election of the new Prior Provincial for the next four years.

José David Niño was elected, before the Provincial Chapter, by the religious of the Province although the result had to be approved by the Augustinian Recollect capitulars. This Saturday, November 12, the new Provincial confirmed his office in front of the altar, making his profession of faith, receiving the embrace of the religious present and after receiving the seal of the Province from the Prior General.

Likewise, the Provincial Chapter elected the four religious who will form the Provincial Council and will accompany him in his task: Juan Pablo Martínez – appointed also as Vicar Provincial -, Miguel Ángel Ciaurriz, Julián Antonio Hincapié and Pedro Rivas.

The 81st Chapter of the Province of Our Lady of Candelaria brought together 28 religious, who were chosen according to geographical criteria and by type of work or ministry: religious formators, religious dedicated to the educational apostolate and religious residing in Colombia, Spain, Panama, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic. The Prior General, Miguel Ángel Hernández, presided over the Chapter.