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The Prior General visits the land of Sister Cleusa Cleusa

The Prior General’s visit continues, Fr. Miguel Angel Hernandezto the communities of the Lábrea mission, in the State of Amazonas (Brazil).

On the second day of his tour, the Prior General visited the Hope Centers of Labrea and St. Rita’s School. In the first, Fr. Miguel Ángel had already learned first-hand about the work of these centers whose purpose is to offer children between the ages of 9 and 16 a safe haven away from drugs, unschooling and malnutrition. The objective is that they receive love, food, education and religious and technical training. During her visit to the Santa Rita School, she visited a small museum that preserves the belongings of Sister Cleusa, a historical and charismatic figure for the region and for the Augustinian Recollect Family, who fought and gave her life for the cause of the oppressed indigenous people. The visit included the room of the Augustinian Recollect missionary, which still preserves personal objects of great historical and spiritual value.

On the third day of his presence in Labrea, the Prior General accompanied Msgr. Santiago Sanchez to the Eucharistic celebration in the community of Santa Rita, in “Tierra Solidaria“. This mass, known as the “Amazon Mass”, is celebrated every 28th of the month in memory of the martyrdom of Sister Cleusa. The setting, songs and offerings have been deeply linked to Cleusa’s life and struggle. His sacrifice has been remembered and the community’s commitment to his legacy has been renewed.

Sister Cleusa: A Legacy of Love and Sacrifice

On April 28, 1985, Sister Cleusa Carolina Rody Coelho, an Augustinian Recollect missionary, was murdered in the Amazon while traveling by boat on the Passiá River. Cleusa, a defender of the rights of indigenous communities, is remembered for her courageous struggle against the injustices suffered by these peoples. His defense of indigenous rights and his pastoral dedication in the CIMI (Consejo Indigenista Misionero) made his fame of sanctity spread among the people of Labrea.

Since his arrival in Lábrea in 1979, Cleusa has been committed to the indigenous cause, confronting the exploitation and violence imposed by colonels and companies that invaded the territories of the Apurinãs peoples. He educated the indigenous people in the defense of their rights, always based on peace and evangelical values.

Cleusa was killed on her way back from an Apurinã community, where she had gone to promote peace and justice. Her martyrdom was a blow to the indigenous communities, who lost a courageous and dedicated defender. Decades later, her memory is still alive among the indigenous peoples, who see in her a reference of peaceful struggle and total dedication to the service of the most vulnerable, and who is now in the process of beatification.

If you want to know more about her life, access this document prepared by the Augustinian Recollect missionary Rosalina Meneghetti.