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Msgr. Msgr. Emiliano Villegas, bishop at the service of the cities of Chota and Cutervo

On July 2, 2022, Victor Emiliano Villegas was appointed bishop of the Prelature of Chota-Cutervo (Peru). His episcopal ordination, celebrated on October 15 in the city’s bullring, brought together a crowd that wanted to share the joy of welcoming their new bishop. Since then, Msgr. Emiliano has dedicated all his strength to walk with the people of Chota in their evangelizing mission.

In this interview, Msgr. Emiliano expresses his desire to live up to his predecessors, who, according to him, have worked hard and have carved the path that he now has the honor of continuing. He was surprised and moved by the living faith of the people of God in the Prelature and emphasized how this contagious faith strengthens his own: the pastor comes to encourage us in living our faith, but it is the pastor who leaves enriched and with his batteries charged.

The episcopal ordination of Msgr. Emiliano was an event full of emotion and celebration. The band played, neighbors and friends gathered in the bullring. The church is alive, says the bishop. He also underlines the importance of community and the sense of family that is lived in the Prelature.

Msgr. Emiliano also stresses the importance of community faith, not only as an individual or family experience, but as an experience shared with the whole community: faith is not only personal, it is faith together with that of my brother, my neighbor, and we all try to walk together.

The new bishop of Chota-Cutervo expresses his gratitude to God for the opportunity to serve in this prelature, a dream he has had since he arrived in 2013: to be bishop of this community is the best gift I have received.

The ceremony was attended by local authorities and faithful from various communities, who offered a warm welcome to Msgr. Emiliano: I thank God for guiding me on this path and I thank the Lord for this special reception.

The Prelature of Chota-Cutervo

The Prelature of Chota, created in 1963, includes the provinces of Chota and Cutervo in the region of Cajamarca. These areas have been part of several dioceses over time, starting with Lima in 1541, then Trujillo in 1577, and later, in the 20th century, Cajamarca and Chiclayo. The parishes in these provinces reflect the common structure of Peru, with large, sparsely populated areas and a strong religious life centered on popular festivities and devotions. From independence until the 1940s, religious life was served by various religious orders, with the Augustinian Recollects taking a predominant role from 1940 onwards.

The creation of the Prelature of Chota was promoted by the Order of Augustinian Recollects, who were already active in the region since the 1940s and 1945 in Cutervo and Chota, respectively. In 1963, the Holy See officially established the Prelature with the provinces of Chota and Cutervo, formerly part of the diocese of Chiclayo. Florentino Armas Lerena was named the first prelate, marking the beginning of a new ecclesiastical structure. The pastoral work adapted to the changes of the Second Vatican Council and the arrival of young priests promoted a transition to community pastoral work. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was strengthened, revitalizing Christian life and expanding the Church’s presence in the region.

The bishops of the Prelature, all members of the Order of Augustinian Recollects, have played crucial roles in the development of the region. From Florentino Armas Lerena, who organized the basic structure and fostered vocations, to Fortunato Pablo Urcey, who consolidated pastoral and social efforts. The formation of priests and the promotion of vocations have been key, with a seminary that has produced new priests annually since 1983. Religious communities have grown significantly, with various orders contributing to the pastoral and social life of the region. Lay people have also played an important role, supporting evangelization and catechetical formation, reflecting the renewal and commitment of the Church to its community.