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Renewal of vows of simply professed in the Philippines and Vietnam

On June 8, 2024, fourteen simply professed Augustinian Recollects renewed their vows as Augustinian Recollects. Thirteen of them did so in the Chapel of St. Thomas of Villanova at the Recoletos Formation Center (Philippines), while one friar renewed his vows in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).

The renewal of vows was presided over by Fr. Kenneth OndaThe Vicar Provincial of the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno, together with Br. Emilio Quilatan, and Fr. James Castelo, as witnesses. At the same time, in Ho Chi Minh City, Fr. Helfrid Palmis, who is in the new community, renewed his simple profession in a Eucharistic celebration presided over by the local prior, Fr. Allan Jacinto.

In his homily, Fr. Onda reminded the religious that, by renewing their vows, they deepen their commitment to live in poverty, obedience and chastity, following the example of Christ. He emphasized that being an Augustinian Recollect goes beyond wearing the religious habit and that the fundamental thing is to live according to the Order’s way of life: you are here to serve and love others, just as Jesus came to serve and not to be served. Likewise, Fr. Onda stressed the importance of the renewal of vows as a reaffirmation of the friars’ commitment to their vocation and to the mission of the Order.

The Constitutions of the Order emphasize that formation is “a lifelong work” (Const. 183), and is made concrete in several stages: aspirancy, postulancy, novitiate, simple and solemn profession, and ongoing formation.

The first three stages have a characteristic unity and importance and are intended for initial training. This period of initial formation begins with entry into the aspirancy or postulancy, as the case may be, and ends with priestly ordination, or two years after solemn profession for religious brothers. “Formation, conceived as a serious experience in Augustinian Recollect life, demands the appropriate time and environment. The family and orderly atmosphere, silence, reflection, study, work, religious practice and assiduous contact with the Lord offer favorable conditions for the normal maturation of the vocation” (Const. 185). (Const. 185).

The purpose of simple profession is to deepen the friar’s consecrated life, helping him to mature in his vocation and to prepare himself adequately for his future apostolate. “With an intense dedication to prayer and study. This dedication helps him effectively to mature his vocation in view of his definitive commitment to God in solemn profession172 and to prepare himself properly for his future apostolate” (Const. 224). (Const. 224).

This renewal of vows is a further step in their commitment and dedication as friars, which they will continue to deepen in the coming years until the moment of solemn profession in the Order.