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Fraternal visit of the Prior General to the Amazon communities comes to an end

The last week of the Prior General’s fraternal visit to the communities of the Amazon began in Salvaterra, in the State of Pará, in northern Brazil. After getting to know the missions of the Marajó Region and accompanied by two counselors Generals and religious of the community of Belém, Br. Michelangelo arrived in Salvaterra by ferry from Belém, crossing the Amazon delta.

Upon their arrival, they were welcomed by the local community, made up of three religious and a young man in formation. During their stay, they visited the Frei Zacarias Social Center, where the “Bem Educar” project is carried out. This initiative, which provides education, food, musical training and catechesis to 80 local children, began as a place for social assistance in the 1970s and has evolved since 2017 to meet various family needs.

In the evening, in a meeting with the Parish Pastoral Council and various pastoral agents, the Prior General highlighted the progress and challenges of the local parish. He highlighted various strengths such as active catechesis and the growing youth ministry and pointed out the need for further formation and accompaniment. He also expressed his gratitude for the work of the missionaries and lay people, and encouraged them to strengthen the visibility of the social center among families and society in general. Various topics of spirituality and ongoing formation for pastoral agents were also addressed.

I am deeply grateful not only to Salvaterra, but also to Lábrea and Marajó. It is heartening to see the dedication and commitment of our friars, as well as the joy with which they carry out their work here, stated Fr. Miguel Ángel Hernández. We have celebrated important dates, such as the centenary of the prelature of Labrea and the 75th anniversary of the parish of Salvaterra. These milestones remind us of the legacy of our brothers and the importance of our presence in these communities.

In this interview, Fr. Michelangelo recalls his time in the Amazon and notes that The pastoral work of evangelization carried out by the friars here is impressive. Along with this, they carry out intense social work, especially in areas where government institutions are absent. And he especially highlights the ‘Hope Centers’ in Labrea and similar initiatives in Marajó and Salvaterra: they are shining examples of how spiritual mission can be combined with community development.

As he explains, in each place Fr. Michelangelo found an atmosphere of fraternity and commitment, with friars dedicated to their missions despite the difficult working conditions. Journeys of up to 20 hours by boat and situations of exclusion and poverty are part of the daily reality in these remote areas. However, the Prior General highlights the pastoral and social work of the Augustinian Recollects, which has made a significant difference by offering school reinforcement, workshops and food to the neediest children through various centers and projects.

I am very happy to have participated in the 25 years of Don Joaquin’s episcopate. These moments of celebration reinforce our mission and motivate us to move forward, added the Prior General. In general, I found our confreres well, with a fraternal atmosphere everywhere. I have felt at home and have seen a lot of joy and dedication in each community.