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In this interview, Sister Judith, a Filipina missionary in Kenya, shares her testimony about the mission she has undertaken in this African country. She shares the challenges and dreams she faces along with her sisters as they work to expand the charism and spirituality of their congregation in this region. A community composed of three sisters with solemn vows, one sister with simple vows, three postulants and seven aspirants.

Sister Judith explains that she felt the Lord’s call to be part of the foundation’s team, and describes her mission as a continuation of her vocation and charism in the new country. He has also shared that one of the main challenges they face is cultural diversity.

The mission is a continuation of my vocation and charism’.

He has also expressed that understanding and respecting different cultures and forming a strong community, despite their differences, is an ongoing challenge. However, he emphasized that with Jesus as a common goal, it is possible to build a united and committed community:
although we are different, it is possible because the goal is the same: Jesus.

“Prayer and action.”

Our mission is a living testimony of faith and hope. We work daily to overcome cultural and linguistic barriers. It is a continuous effort, but
the reward is great when we see our sisters and the local community grow in faith,” Sister Judith said.
Judith pointed out.

She also stressed the importance of mutual support among the sisters. We support one another in prayer and action. Community life strengthens us and enables us to face the challenges we face together. Every day is an opportunity to learn and to serve better.

“A future full of hope and possibilities.”

Sister Judith has also shared her long-term vision for the foundation. My dream is that our community will grow and that future generations of religious will follow in our footsteps with firmness and authenticity. We want to form women committed to religious life, with a deep desire to serve the Lord and to extend our mission to other countries.

I see a future full of hope and possibilities. With God’s grace, we will be able to take our charism to many more places, touching lives and taking the message of love and service to where it is most needed.Judith concluded with a smile.

Sister Judith, missionary in Kenya: “Our unity is in Jesus”.