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“Ten years building community, educating with the heart.”

“Ten years building community, educating with the heart”.
Under this motto, the Colegio Agustiniano of Guatemala has celebrated its tenth anniversary, since its foundation in 2014.
Since then, the school, which is located in the capital of the country, has grown from 90 students to more than 800, and has established itself as a reference in academic and spiritual education in Guatemala.


To commemorate this anniversary, the school organized a calendar of activities that began with the announcement of a new project: the construction of a swimming pool building, inaugurated last year.
The main celebration took place on April 24, as it is the official date of the school’s foundation, with a special day dedicated to the school’s first students.
Commemorative activities such as masses, an official ceremony, and the creation of commemorative coins were held to remember this date.

In August, the school held a youth rally as part of the festivities in honor of St. Augustine, where students organized and participated in various activities focused on the anniversary.
The celebrations culminated on September 4 with a closing ceremony, in which the students of the class of 2024 buried a time capsule.
This capsule, which will be opened in 10 years’ time, contains mementos such as personal letters, a T-shirt signed by the students and a special message from the school’s current rector, Father Ángel Jahir Córdoba.
As part of the ceremony, an image of the Virgin of Candelaria was placed in the place where the capsule was buried, as a symbol of protection and spiritual guidance for the coming years.

Jenny Clee, primary coordinator, shared her vision of these first 10 years: From my experience, it has been an adventure.
It is not common for schools to grow like this in Guatemala.
We have been part of this opening and growth, of getting to know more about the Order and Augustinian pedagogy, and of proposing new things.
The most beautiful thing is that we have been able to visit other countries and schools, which has shown us that what we do here is also lived in other institutions.

Jorge Luis Peralta, academic director, highlighted the personal impact his time at the school has had on him: Being here has been a transforming experience on a personal level.
I never imagined all that we could build together, but the most special thing is that the values we promote in the school are lived every day, in every corner.
The sense of community, the spirituality and the commitment of everyone here make this place unique, real and very special.

The social networks also joined in the celebrations of this anniversary with the creation of videos where current and former students shared their experiences and reflected on what it means to be part of this community and to have been formed with Augustinian values.

Looking to the future, the Colegio Agustiniano of Guatemala has plans to continue to expand its facilities and reach more students and families but, above all, to continue to fulfill the same objective that was set on the first day, ten years ago: to form students integrally from Christian values, inspired by the example of St. Augustine.