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The Augustinian Recollect Youth on the road to World Youth Day 2027

On September 24, 2024, the theme for the next World Youth Day in 2027, to be held in Seoul (Korea), was presented during a conference at the Holy See Press Office.
This theme, chosen by Pope Francis, is: “Take courage: I have overcome the world!” (Jn 16:33)..

In an informative note sent by Fr.
Ismael Xuruc, general councilor and head of the Coordinating Team of the Augustinian Recollect Youth, the Augustinian Recollect youth are encouraged to begin the process of preparation, both spiritual and material, to live this unique experience.

“It is a call to young people to have courage in their life of faith and in their engagement with the world.”

As indicated in the note sent to the JAR communities, the motto chosen for the WYD Seoul “is a call to young people to have courage in their life of faith and in their commitment to the world. It is inspired by the words of Jesus in the Gospel of John, where he reminds his disciples that, despite the difficulties and challenges they will face, the certainty of his resurrection and victory over the world will give them the strength to persevere. In a world that is often marked by fear, uncertainty and conflict, this message of courage encourages them to be agents of change and hope.”

As is now traditional, the celebration of WYD convoked by the Holy Father will be preceded by the World Augustinian Recollect Youth Day (WYRYD).
It is an international event that brings together young Augustinian Recollect Youth from all over the world to deepen their understanding of the Augustinian Recollect charism and to share experiences in their local context.

“We hope you will remain encouraged and ready for this great spiritual adventure that awaits us.”

At the press
press conference for the presentation of the WYD 2027 theme, Cardinal Kevin J. Farrell emphasized that it will be “an opportunity for all young people to rediscover the beauty of the Christian life and to bring to the ordinary circumstances of daily life the renewed desire to be disciples of Jesus and faithful to his Gospel. The rediscovery of the Christian life, therefore, can be fertile ground for the flowering of many vocations, to marriage or to the priesthood and consecrated life. All this will have great benefits for the Church in Korea, for the Asian continent and for the Church globally.”

The RAY Coordinating Team makes a joyful and hopeful invitation to live this next international meeting: “We hope you will remain encouraged and ready for this great spiritual adventure that awaits us. Soon there will be more news!”