A friendly word

Let us embrace the mission of our Order through synodality.

I feel unworthy and hesitant to share this with you, as I do not have the same experience or deep knowledge in the mission. However, I always keep in mind that wherever I go and whatever assignment I am given, I must obey and trust fully in the Lord, for it is His will for me. In other words, this boils down to my positive attitude as a religious and priest. Can I have the mentality of always being available for the sake of the Kingdom of God? Can I step out of my comfort zones? If I am chosen for a mission locally or abroad, will I still be hesitant to accept it?

The truth is that being assigned to a mission, whether local or international, requires a proper disposition and attitude to be truly effective in ministry and apostolate. Of course, it is inevitable to face challenges and opportunities that make us grow as priests and religious. These are the challenges and opportunities I have encountered in the mission in Tambo: we have sixteen chapels under our care and guidance. For me, it is a challenge to administer the sacraments in the most remote areas of our apostolate and mission.

The words of Pope Francis in his apostolic exhortation ‘Evangelii Gaudium’, ‘The Joy of the Gospel’, resonate in my heart when he says: “Go to the peripheries and proclaim the Gospel with joy!” These words are my motivation every time I get on a motorcycle to head for those peripheries and bring the good news of salvation. I admit that I must be cautious and sometimes feel some fear as I ride the rocky, muddy and dangerous roads in the areas of our apostolate. I honestly do not know what will happen, but I must learn to entrust everything to the Lord and invoke His guidance and protection, both for myself and for my companions.

Another of the most difficult challenges I face is crossing the river. It is easier for us to cross when the weather is sunny than when it is raining. However, the weather in the mountains can never be predicted with certainty. I don’t mind getting wet and sweaty as long as I can celebrate Mass and administer the sacraments. The true joy of our parishioners and their enthusiasm to receive Jesus in Holy Communion inspires me deeply. They are simple people, hungry for the Word of God, and for me, they are my inspiration as I live my gospel life as an Augustinian Recollect.

I ask myself repeatedly: Do I live my life as a religious? Am I satisfied with what I have? I constantly remind myself to live a simple life and to proclaim the good news of salvation with joy and love.

Another challenge I face is how to raise funds to help the poor and the most marginalized areas of our mission. Honestly, I don’t know what to do or how to do it, although the intention to help is always present. What methods and resources should I use to raise funds? Am I able to carry out my plans and goals? These are the questions I must ask myself. I am convinced that if you give yourself to God, He will show you the way.

The first thing I did was to organize a dinner with a cause during the feast of St. Ezekiel Moreno. It was a success, as we managed to raise almost one hundred thousand. Eventually, I also organized a raffle with attractive prizes such as motorcycles, LED and Smart TVs, smart phones, etc. But the biggest challenge was to organize and manage a concert with a cause. With God’s providence and guidance, each activity went smoothly and with great success and satisfaction. However, there is always room for improvement and much to learn.

Finally, with the funds raised, we have contributed to the improvement of several chapels and have even built new chapels with more durable materials. Now, the faithful are enthusiastic and motivated to beautify and renovate their own chapels, as we support them not only financially, but also without neglecting their spiritual needs.

Let us embrace the mission of our Order in conformity with synodality. May God bless us all and those we love.

William Cordero Jr., OAR

The missionary congress “Embracing Recollects Mission in the Light of Synodality” was held in Cebu (Philippines) on October 14-17, 2024.