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“Mission is part of the DNA of the Order of Augustinian Recollects”.

Fr. Ismael Xuruc, general councilor of the Order of Augustinian Recollects and president of the General Secretariat for the Missionary and Ministerial Apostolate, describes his recent visit to the missions of the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno in the Philippines as a “deeply enriching and moving experience”. His tour of missionary communities in places like Palawan and Mindanao allowed him to see firsthand that “mission is still part of the DNA of our Order”. Although the Augustinian Recollects were not originally born as a missionary Order, Xuruc recalls that “social circumstances and the action of the Holy Spirit led us, from our beginnings, to spread the Good News beyond our borders, from the Philippines to Latin America”.

“In places like Palawan and Mindanao, I was able to see firsthand the tireless work of our religious.”

One of the aspects that most moved Fr. Xuruc during his visit was the spirit of dedication and service of the religious who work in the most remote areas of the Philippines, where living conditions can be extremely difficult. “In places like Palawan and Mindanao, I was able to see firsthand the tireless work of our religious who, in a spirit of dedication and service, accompany and listen to the communities,” he explains. Despite the difficulties they face, such as “the lack of infrastructure, electricity, medical services and roads, and risks from the sea”, the missionaries continue to persevere in their work “with hope and joy”.

Xuruc also highlighted the improvements he has seen in some of the missions. “I was especially moved to see the improvements in both infrastructure and pastoral animation in one of the quasi-parishes in Mindanao, the fruit of the effort and commitment of the religious.” This progress is a testimony to the continuous and dedicated work of the friars, who not only focus on the spiritual aspect, but are also concerned about the material and social welfare of the communities they serve.

“We discussed how we can continue to promote the missionary apostolate, based on the orientations of the Order and the Life and Mission Project”.

During his visit, Friar Ismael had the opportunity to participate in the International Missionary Congress organized by the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno. This meeting was a space to reflect on the present and future of the missions. “We listened to the testimony of friars who shared the reality of each mission, and we discussed how we can continue to promote the missionary apostolate, based on the orientations of the Order and the Life and Missions Project”. In addition, the Congress explored concrete actions to ensure the financial support of missionary ministries, a key issue for the continuity of pastoral work in these areas.

One of the most impressive moments for Fr. Ismael was the dialogue with the pastoral councils and pastors of the different communities. “I was impressed by the dedication of the laity in their parishes, not only on the spiritual level, but also in their commitment in solidarity with those most in need.” This commitment of the laity is fundamental for the success of the mission, since it reinforces the work of the religious and ensures the sustainability of the projects underway.

“I have met young religious, full of enthusiasm and passion for their mission, ready to face the personal, local and provincial challenges they have to face”.

Upon returning from his visit, Friar Xuruc expressed his gratitude for the vitality he found in the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno. “I return from this experience with a heart full of gratitude for the vitality I have found in the Province. I have met young religious, full of enthusiasm and passion for their mission, ready to face the personal, local and provincial challenges they have to live”. The enthusiasm of these young friars is, according to him, a sign that the missionary spirit is still alive and growing. “Their presence is not limited to the Philippines, but they are also present in Indonesia, Africa and Vietnam,” which shows the continued expansion of the Recollect mission in different parts of the world.

During his stay in Manila, Fr. Ismael had the opportunity to share time with the theology students of the Order, reflecting with them on the missionary legacy of the Augustinian Recollects and encouraging them to continue to cultivate this charism in their lives. “Faith and hope in the Lord are, without a doubt, the strength that will allow us to overcome any difficulty”, he reminded them, emphasizing the importance of trust in God to continue the mission in the midst of challenges.

“Faith and hope in the Lord are, without a doubt, the strength that will allow us to overcome any difficulty.”

Fr. Ismael also had the opportunity to meet with the National Council of the Augustinian Recollect Youth (ARYR) of the Philippines. The meeting focused on preparations for the upcoming World Augustinian Recollect Youth Day (ARYDWY), which will be held in Seoul, South Korea in 2027, coinciding with World Youth Day (WYD). This event promises to be a significant space for young Recollects from around the world to gather, share their faith and strengthen the Augustinian Recollect charism, continuing the missionary legacy of the Order.

One of the most moving moments of Fr. Xuruc’s visit was his visit to the tomb of Fr. Fr. Joel NaranjaXuruc, who died in Cuba on August 8, 2021 due to the COVID-19. Together with Naranja, Fr. Xuruc was part of the first community that founded the Recollect mission in Cuba. “Remembering his life and his generous service is a cause for sorrow for the loss, but also for gratitude for the time shared and the legacy he left behind.” During his visit, he had the opportunity to spend time with the family of Fr. Joel, a moment that, although marked by the pain of absence, was also filled with gratitude for the life of his brother in faith.

“Remembering Fr. Joel’s life and his generous service is a cause for sorrow for the loss, but also for gratitude for the time shared and the legacy he left behind.”

Fr. Ismael returns to Rome with a heart full of gratitude, but also with new challenges and tasks ahead of him. “From the General Curia, we will continue to work to offer an ever more meaningful accompaniment to our missionaries and parish priests, convinced that, with God’s grace, our mission will continue to flourish throughout the world.”