Pope Francis received the Laudato Si’ Cross as a gift from ARCORESthe Augustinian Recollect International Solidarity Network. This gift represents a significant interpretation of the ecological advocacy promoted by the Pope, who has inspired millions of people, regardless of their denominational beliefs, to protect nature and the most vulnerable.
The Laudato Si’ Cross is deeply inspired by the encyclical of the same name, where Pope Francis states:
“All creatures advance with us and through us towards a common point of arrival, which is God, in that transcendent fullness where the risen Christ embraces and illumines all things. The human being, endowed with intelligence and love, and attracted by the fullness of Christ, is called to lead all creatures back to their Creator”. (Laudato Si’, 83).
Meeting with Pope Francis
Tagoy Jakosalem, personally presented the cross to Pope Francis during an official audience with the Filipino chaplains serving in Spain. This event was organized by the Philippine Tahanan Apostolate in Madrid and the Nunciature of Spain, with the participation of about 60 delegates, mostly Filipinos.
During the meeting, Pope Francis highlighted the essential role that Filipino migrants play in the Church, as well as the difficulties they face due to the economic realities in their countries of origin. In his message, the Pope reflected:
“On the other hand, he had to leave his land because of injustice, in his case a defamation, like many people who still today are forced to emigrate to save their lives or seek a better future. Finally, upon arriving in the land that should have welcomed him, God asked him to witness to his faith with the greatest proof of love, to give his life.”
Pope Francis’ full speech is available at this Vatican News link.
The profound meaning of the Laudato Si’ Cross
The Laudato Si’ Cross, made of wood, conveys a symbolic message that reflects Pope Francis’ call to care for the Common Home. The elements represented in this work are highlighted below:
The creative oneness of the Trinity: Represented by the sun (Father), the dove (Holy Spirit) and Jesus.
2. The risen Jesus: Symbolizes the harmony of Christ with creation (LS 98) and how the destiny of all creation is linked to the mystery of Christ (LS 99) in its fullness (LS 100).
3. The mountains of the Kanlaon and Negros islands: These protected areas in the Philippines are threatened by destruction. Recently, the Kanlaon volcano erupted, displacing some 1500 families.
4. Philippine Rufous Hornet(kalaw): An endangered species that symbolizes the rich Philippine biodiversity and the urgency of its conservation.
5. Waters of rivers and seas: Represent the sources of life that nourish people and nature.
6. Tree of Life: Expression of the connection between life on Earth and the cultural and spiritual unity of traditions.
7. Sunflower: Reflects the creative power of God and his ability to transform and give life to our planet.
A gift full of hope
The Laudato Si’ Cross is not only an artistic symbol, but also an urgent call to all human beings to be stewards of the environment and the creatures that inhabit it. Through this work, ARCORES and Pope Francis remind us that care for creation is a spiritual and moral commitment shared by all humanity.