A wave of prayers for Pope Francis in the Jubilee Year of Hope
Just as the Catholic world began to tell and retell stories of hope in this post-COVID era, the news came that the Holy Father was ill, and this time, seriously ill. With bated breath, the faithful around the world waited day after day for medical bulletins from the Vatican.
The image of Vatican cardinals taking turns to lead the faithful in special prayers for Pope Francis conveyed a clear and unmistakable signal that the situation was indeed serious. Paradoxically, this further stoked global angst and unleashed unwanted speculation about the future of the Catholic Church.
In the Philippines, it took more than a week for the news of the Holy Father’s illness to sink in. And when it did, prayers and petitions for his speedy recovery flooded churches, convents, Catholic schools and public spaces. They even appeared on the huge LED screens that dot the streets of Metro Manila.
Richard P. Burgos, national president of the organization of Former Seminarians of the Order of Augustinian Recollects (ForSOAR, Inc.) in the Philippines, wasted no time in suggesting the idea of a public call for prayer for the Holy Father to his good friend Alvin Carranza, CEO of Digital-Out-Of-Home (dooh.ph), a premier LED advertising service provider in Metro Manila.
It all came together quickly. Thanks to digital connectivity, the world became a village. Bro. Jaazeal Jakosalem (Tagoy), General Councilor of the Order resident in Spain, an artist at heart, who provided the artwork in a matter of minutes.
In turn, Bro. Tagoy asked Fr. Ferdinand Hernando, MB, to draft the text with specific instructions to use the heart as a powerful Augustinian symbol. Thus was born the brief but meaningful call to prayer: “Pray for the Pope…. from your heart to the heart of God.” The image has been displayed for days now in various locations in the Philippines, to great acclaim from around the world.