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The joy of sharing and transmitting a charisma

The Augustinian Recollect Family continues its synodal journey with a reflection on the transmission of the charism to the laity. Antonio Botana, a De La Salle Brother, participated in the Meeting of the Augustinian Recollect Family in Rome, offering an inspiring vision on co-responsibility in the mission.

Walking together: the challenge of synodality

In the framework of the Encounter of the Augustinian Recollect Family, Brother Antonio Botana, De La Salle, shared a profound reflection on the need to transmit the charism from a true communion. In his intervention, he emphasized that synodality is not only a concept, but a way of life that should permeate the mission of the Church and of each charismatic family.

“It is up to us to share and help transmit the charism. We are mediators of the Spirit, facilitating others to discover it from their own vocation and reality,” said Brother Botana.

Co-responsibility between the laity and religious is key to keeping the charism alive and responding to today’s challenges.

From custodians to mission partners

One of the fundamental aspects addressed in his presentation was the transition from a model in which religious are the sole transmitters of the charism to a model in which religious and laity walk together. “The first step is to create communion, weaving bonds from everyday life: celebrating, accompanying and sharing life. Then, to go on mission together, discovering where God is calling us”.

This paradigm shift implies a new way of relating, in which the laity are not mere collaborators, but protagonists of the charism in their different spheres of life.

“My dream for consecrated life is that we learn to live it together with the laity, because they have much to teach us.”

The Augustinian Recollect Family and the Challenge of Synodality

The Encounter of the Augustinian Recollect Family in Rome has been a privileged space to reflect on communion and co-responsibility in the mission. The experience shared with Bro. Antonio Botana has reinforced the conviction that the Augustinian Recollect charism is a gift for the whole Church and should be lived in an open and inclusive way.

This event marks a firm step in building a more synodal community, in which religious and laity learn together, grow together and take the Gospel to the world with the same restless heart.