Amazement in the face of life

Amazement in the face of life

Life is worthy of wonder. It’s as simple as that. So beautiful. It is not an object of consumption, nor something prepared; it is Life. Every life asks to be looked at closely, lifted up when it is humbled, encouraged when it pales. The lives of family members...
Praying knowing that God loves you

Praying knowing that God loves you

“First of all, I want to tell everyone the first truth: “God loves you”. If you have already heard it, it doesn’t matter, I want to remind you: God loves you. Never doubt it, no matter what happens to you in life. In whatever circumstances you...
Cordiality in a world in discord

Cordiality in a world in discord

We are not discovering anything new if we say that we live in a world in continuous conflict. The same human being experiences this situation every day, both in the first person and in the relationship with others. When making decisions or dialoguing with others,...