Christmas is also the story of a journey, a mission, magi on the move. A Church going forth, following the light and adoring the Truth. The account of the scene in which the Magi – tradition has elevated them to kings – prostrate themselves to adore the...
We know that God tells us that with it we could move mountains. The image that best characterizes it is that of a mustard seed, small but destined to grow into a tree where birds can nest in its branches. When it falters, our life crumbles like a house of cards,...
In the face of the pain and horror of the tragedy that wounds the depths of the soul, there is only room for silence. Yes, silent contemplation, the sonorous gaze, is the only serene attitude in the face of the tragedy of war. It is human to be deeply moved by the...
The degree of civilization of a society is demonstrated by the way in which child protection is ensured. Unfortunately, we are shocked to hear news of events that make our blood run cold about child abuse. It is clear that the Church as a whole, and the different...