Peace as Mark of our Unity

Peace as Mark of our Unity

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God…” (Matthew 5:9) Jesus brought peace among us by his birth. His life was a counterculture of the wars and power struggles in his lifetime, affecting mostly the tranquility of people’s lives. What is...
Embracing COVID-19

Embracing COVID-19

In this article, the author comments on five challenges in different areas brought about by the coronavirus crisis around the world. The COVID-19 Crisis affects us all. Health and Economic crisis. This COVID-19 exposed the failures of the many government systems –...
Water Justice and Faith

Water Justice and Faith

Water is life. This is the reflexion of Jaazeal Jakosalem, augustinian recollect Water is an important element of life. Communities can never survive without water. The current situation impels us to act “to protect” our life-giving resource. “Too many people still...