Quote 11 21

Now, in our actions, as long as we are not inhibited by some bad habit, we have the freedom to do or not to do a particular act. Contra Fortunato 2, 22.

Quote 11 17

While he still had a sound heart and a clean conscience, he rejoiced in the presence of God. After that eye was damaged by sin, he began to dread the divine light, he fled into the darkness and the thickets of the woods, running away from the truth, clutching at...

Quote 11 18

The light of Adam’s eyes left him, for God himself was the light of Adam’s eyes; and after offending God he fled into the shadow, and hid among the trees of paradise. He was afraid of God’s countenance, so he sought the shade of the trees. There in...

Quote 11 19

Woe to those who turn away from your light and are delighted to cling to their own darkness. Turning their back, so to speak, upon you, they are enchained by works of the flesh as by their own shadow, and yet, even such delight as they experience there, comes to them...

Quote 11 14

Love of the world changes the soul; love of the Creator of the world purifies the soul. Sermo 142, 3.(Trad. de Romeo Potencio, oar)