by Agustinos Recoletos | Dec 24, 2018
Contemplate the earth and see its beauty, fecundity, and powers, the growth of the seeds, the fertility of the fields, which, without sowing, sprout; contemplate, and by your scrutiny in a certain manner you interrogate it; the examination itself is a question. When...
by Agustinos Recoletos | Dec 24, 2018
What do you appreciate in everything you see? Beauty, usefulness, some value, or energy that find in these things. Yet if you are enthralled with beauty, who is more beautiful than he who made them? If you prize usefulness, who is more useful than the Maker of them...
by Agustinos Recoletos | Dec 24, 2018
Is it possible that when you contemplate the fullness of the beauty of this world, does its very form not respond to you: “I have not made myself, but God made me?” Enarrationes in psalmos 144,13
by Agustinos Recoletos | Dec 24, 2018
Avail yourself of useful things, avoid what are harmful, and leave what are superfluous; but, seeing their qualities, quantities and order, give praise to the Maker, in whom alone can you find supreme quality and sovereign quantity, and highest order; that is to say,...
by Agustinos Recoletos | Dec 24, 2018
He scattered all the inhabitants in their places; the incorruptible, en the endless heaven, the corrujptible, in corruptible places. Consider everything, praise everything. He who arranged the parts of a worm, cannot govern the clouds of the sky? Enarrationes in...